Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu/334

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$m BAUDIN TO KING, je crois que sea tit res ne aeroient mieux foml^s que lea vitrei*. . J't^tois bien peraiiacle tjuo larrivee du Cumberland avoit tout autre niotj que celui tie iii'apporter votre lettre, maia je ne eroyois pas qu*elle fut poa arborer un pavilion Anglais pr^cisement daua le lieu ou etoieut ^tablia no tentes longtempa avatit son arriv4. Je vous avoue franchement que ji suia fachu que cela ait eu lieu." He proceeded to describe the island at great length:- " Je suia tres fache que Tisle King porte votre nom, en ce qu'elle me semble n'tstre d'aucume utilite, et n'otfrir qu'ime ressouree passagfere pour la peche du loup marin et de phoque,"* He had lost two anchors at Elephant Bay. He described the labours of his scientific companions on the island, and sent his kindest regards to King and his family. The hoisting of the English flag under the eyes of the French annoyed others as well as Baudin, The artist, M. Petit, made a caricature of the petty flag with the armed sentry keeping guard. Baudin wrote to King: '* J'ai dechke cette caricature aussitot qu'elle me fat presentee, avec defense d'en faire de semblable pour Tavenir/* The editors of the French narrative, Peron and Freycinet, remarked,

    • SanB doute cette cen^monie iiourra paroitre frivole aux yeuz de

persomies qui counoisseut pen la politique Augloiae ; mais, poor rhomn d^^tat, de teUes formalit^s prennent uu caract^ra beaueoup plus irnportanV «t plus a^rieux, A la faveur de ces declarations publiques et repetiSes, rAiigleterre semble chaque jour fortifier aes pretentions^ t^tablir aea droits d'uue mani^re plus poaitivtj, et ae m6aage ainsi doa pr^textea pour repousse r, meme par la force des arnies, t-ous lea peuples qui voudroient former quelques ^tablissemens dana ces contr^ea. Maia ^cartons lea r^esiona p^nlbles qu'uu tel aujet inspire pour reprcudre notro narration.'* The gallant and humane Baudin did not hve to narrate his own intentions, or see the published account of his expedition. The withering of the French schemes was imknown to him. He died at the Mauritius; and it was not under his auspices that the pseudonym of *'Terre Napolt^on** was attempted to be aflixed to South Australia and Port PhilUp, under the authority of the *'Imprimerie Impdriale in Paris in 1807.^^ M

  • ^ "Voyage de D^couvortea aux Terrea Australes," VoL iii p, 11.

Seconds edition, reArue, corrig^ et augments, par Louis tie Freycinet. Paria. 1824. Peron, the naturalist of tho expedition, edited the firat volume in 1807, and prepared n great part of the second » which wai continued and edited oy Preycinet in 1816. The later edition of J quoted in the texU