Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/1037

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VII. ] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 997 the only solace of life. Impelled by a sense of moral duty,—for there was no legal obligation,—he handed over his immense inheritance to his father’s creditors, who could have claimed no hold upon it. And the effect which this noble act of sacrifice produced on the minds of the people was evi- denced by the bestowal of the title of Maharsi or great Risi on him by his countrymen. His creditors, fortunately, were no Shylocks. They arranged for the liquidation of debts in a way convenient to the youthful owner of the property ; but all the same a considerable portion of it had to be sold. But Devendra Natha was indifferent to worldly con- siderations. I quote an extract from his auto-bio- graphy which is written in a simple and attractive style.

  • “ My grand-mother loved me very much. In 4n extract

I from his autobio- used totake my meals with her, sit by her the whole graphy. childhood I cared not for any one else but her. live-long day and sleep on the same bed with her. When she went to Kalighita to visit the shrine | used to accomnany her thither. At one time she went to Vrindavana and Puri leaving me at home. I recollect how bitterly | wept owing to my: separa- tion from her. She was intensely devoted to re- ligion. Every day at early dawn she used to

  • “দ্িদিযা আমাকে বড় ভাল বাসিতেন । শৈশবে তাহাকে

ব্যতীত আমিও আর কাহাকে জানিতাষ না। আমার শয়ন, উপবেশন, ভোজন, সকলই তীহার নিকট হইত । তিনি কালী- ঘাটে যাইতেন, আমি তীহাব সহিত যাইতাম। তিনি যখন আমাকে ফেলে জগন্নাথক্ষেত্রে ও বৃন্দাবনে গিয়াছিলেন, তখন আমি বড়ই কাদি তাম। ধর্মে তাহার অতান্ত নিষ্ঠ। ছিল । তিনি গ্রতিদিন অতি প্রত্যুষে গঙ্গান্নান করিতেন। এবং প্রতিদিন