Page:History of California (Bancroft) volume 6.djvu/38

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Coombs; ana by John Rose and J. C. Davis, who la 1846 built a schooner here, and were now erecting a mill for Vallejo/^ Northward, in the region round Clear Lake, Stone and Kelsey occupy a stock-range, and George Rock holds the Guenoc rancho.^*

The similar and parallel valley of Sonoma, signifying ' of the moon,' is even more thickly occupied under the auspices of M. G. Vallejo, the potentate of this region and ranking foremost among Hispano-Cal- ifornians. This town of Sonoma, founded as a pre- sidio thirteen years before, near the dilapidated mis- sion Solano, claims now a population of 260, under Alcalde Lilburn W. Boggs, with twoscore houses, among which the two-story adobe of the general is regarded as one of the most imposing in the country. The barrack is occupied by a company of New York volunteers under Captain Brackett, which adds greatly to the animation of the place. Several members of Vallejo's family occupy lands above and below on Sonoma Creek, as, for instance, Jacob P. Leese; west- ward on Petaluma Creek, Juan Miranda and family have settled; above are James Hudspeth, the large

frant of the Carrillos," and the fertile ranchos of lark West and John B. R. Cooper, the latter with, mill and smithy. At Bodega, Stephen Smith had in 1846 established a saw-mill, worked by the first steam-engine in California, and obtained a vast grant,^ which embraced the former Russian settlement with its dismantled stockade fort. Edward M. Mcintosh and James Dawson's widow hold the adjoining ran- chos of Jonive and Posfolomi, the latter having planted a vineyard on the Estero Americano. Above on the

'^ There were a number of other settlers, nearly four score, by this time, and two saw-mills and two flour-mills. Gal. Star, Jan. 22, April 1, 1848.

^^ Of 21 ,000 acres. J. P. Leese and the Vallejos had stock, the latter claim- ing the Lupyomi tract of 16 leagues, which was rejected, and Rob F Ridley that of Collayomi of 8,000 acres, which was confirmed.

^'Mrs Carrillo's covering the present Santa Rosa, and Joaquin Carrillo's that of Sebastopol.

^Of .35,000 acres. Both men had been sailors, the former from Scotland, the other from Erin,