Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/24

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all, I shall refer it to the several places, where their helps will be inserted.

I am well apprized what number of carpers and enemies this work will meet with; but think they must be such as know not with what difficulty, length of time, and expense the materials for this Essay, have been got together. Some perhaps may censure me, if they hit on a thing that I have not seen, or perhaps been misinformed about; others there are, I do not doubt, who will think me too particular in many things, and others, perhaps, not particular enough; so that as it is a thing impossible to please all, if it is but approved of by my Subscribers, (to whom only I am obliged,) I care for nought else, not doubting but that it will be universally allowed, that there will be much more of the history of this county, than was ever published before, and if so, my greatest enemies must allow with the poet,
Est quodam prodire tenus, si non datur ultrà. Hor.

As to what I have related beyond the present age, I have the originals, or my authorities are always quoted; but as to the present time, it is either upon the credit of such persons as had no reason to speak further, or otherwise, than their own knowledge doth reach, or upon my own inspection, having already seen, or determined to see every particular place in this county that I shall treat of; and therefore I hope there will be no such great mistakes, but what the candid reader may well pardon, professing that my chief end is, to deliver nothing but truth, with an honourable respect to every one. And thus submitting to my readers' courtesy, I shall conclude with the poet;
Si quid novisti rectiùs istis, Candidus imperti: si non, his utere mecum.

Fersfield, March 25, 1736.