Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/757

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��1865, he was married to Miss Minerva Gates ; they have four children living — Arniinda, Dora A., Cyrus A., and Herney C. The health-of their family is good. Mr. Alsdorf has, by good management and strict atten- tion to business, made for himself and family a good home. He enjoys the respect and esteem of all in the community in which he resides.

ANDERSON, WILLIAM C, Shenandoah; he was born in Preble Co., Ohio, Feb. 27, 1841, where he re- sided until the age of 11, when his parents removed to Randolph Co., Ind., where they remained about two years, when they came to Richland Co., where they have since resided. In 1857, Mr. Anderson learned the trade of shoemaker, at which he has worked, until within the past year he has been paying some attention to the shipping of stock, the purchase of hides and furs, and the boring of wells. In 1865, he was married to Elizabeth A. Burgoyne. Their four children are liv- ing — Lena Ann, Bettie E., Stella V. and Lois. During the war, Mr. Anderson enlisted in April, 1861, for three months; again, in 1862, for the same time; again in October of the same year ; and when the three- months troops were called, he again went into the serv- ice — enlisting four diiferent times, receiving an hon- orable discharge each time. Mr. Anderson never interested himself much in politics, but has been Township Trustee several terms.

ARMSTRONG, SAMUEL M., was born in Franklin Township, this county, on the 1st day of July, 1830; he resided here until the spring of 1841, when his parents removed to this township, and where he has since resided. Mr. Armstrong is by profession a shoe- maker, and followed that until the war broke out, when he enrolled himself as a member of Co. F, 82d 0. V. T., on the 30th day of November, and was discharged on the 25th of August, 1865 ; he was in the numerous battles the regiment was called upon to en- gage in ; he received a gun-shot wound in the right hip at the battle of Dallas, in front of Atlanta. Since the war, Mr. Armstrong has been farming. In the fall of 1856, on the 16th of October, he was married to Miss Sarah J. Burns. They have had nine children, seven of whom are still living, and named Mary E., Flora Bell, George W., Nettie May, Eva A., Wilber B. and Frank N.; Mary Elizabeth is married ; the ones deceased are Charley F., who died at the age of 2 years and 5 months ; the youngest, Perry S., died at the age of 4 months. Mr. Armstrong's father and mother are still living, and reside with him. His father was born Dec 29, 1800, in Adams Co., Penn. He was 2 years of age when he removed to this State, and at the age of 22 he came to this county, which makes him a resident of the county for a period of fifty-eight years.

ARMSTRONG, JOHN H , was born in this county on the 10th of December, 1836, and has since resided in the county, with the exception of the war. He en- rolled himself as a soldier Aug. 25, 1861 ; he was a member of Co. M, 2d 0. V. C, and was discharged Oct. 7, 1864. His vocation, principally, is that of farming. In the year 1866, he was married to Miss Susannah Pifer. They have reared a family of six children, all of whom are still living, with the excep- tion of the last one, who died in infancy ; the others are named, respectivelj, Effie M., Harold B., Tennie

��E., Virgia, Claudia and Florence. His wife died Jan, 26, 1880 ; she was a lady of exemplary character, and a consistent Christian.

BACKENSTO, ANTHONY J., was born in this county April 20, 1851, where he has since resided, and has lived in this township for a period of six years ; his occupation has been that of farming all his life. In the year 1871, June 15, he was married to Miss Jane Eller ; they have two children, both of which are still living, and named Ira E. and Ernestus C. The health of his family, together with himself, is not very good, and has not been since he removed to this place, he being troubled with the heart disease, while that of his wife and that of the oldest child is good, but the youngest has never been very rugged, although Mr. Backensto lives in one of the healthiest localities in his township, as well as one of the most pleasant ; although the hand of disease has laid its hand upon him, he has the satisfaction to know that himself and family enjoy the respect of all in the community where he resides.

BAKER, PETER, was born in Germany Nov. 11, 1835; when at the age of 18 years, he came to this country and located in New York City, where he re- sided until the year 1868, when he removed to Ashland Co., where he remained three years : from there he removed to Windsor, this county, where he stayed six years; from there he moved back to Ashland County, where he lived a short time, when he moved back to this county, and located in this place, Rome, where he manufactures boots and shoes of all grades, He also has a notion store. His trade is that of shoe- maker, and he has always made that his business. He learned the trade in Germany before he came to this country. In the year 1856, June 16, he was married to Miss Catherine Abeale, in New York City ; they have had nine children, six of whom are still living, and named Leana, John, Frederick, Rosa, Augusta and Laura ; three died in New York City, named Henry, Annie and Emma.

BAKER, GUSTAVUS B., was born in Hampshire Co., Va.. on the 24th February, 1834, where he resided until the age of 4 years, when his parents removed to Cumberland Co., Penn., where they remained about five years, and from there they removed to Knox Co., Ohio, where they stayed one year, and from there to this township, where he has since resided, and has always paid the most of his attention to farming. In the year 1859, on the 14th of February, he was married to Miss Feann SlauiFer ; they raised a family of eight children, seven of whom are still living, and named Cornelius 0., Mary E., Sarah E., Harry A., Augusta D., Perry B. and Alice M. ; the one who died was Ben- jamin F. ; he departed this life on the 19th of February, 1872, aged 12 years and 8 months.

BAKER, JOSIAH, was born in Cass Township, on the 7th of June, 1843, and has always resided in the county, although he has moved, from time to time, from one township to another, and has recently sold his farm in this township and purchased one in Frank- lin, where he intends to make his future home. Mr, Baker has never turned his attention to political mat- ters to any great extent, although he has represented his township as Trustee two terms, and is now Super^ visor and School Director. In the year 1865, on the


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