Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/874

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��1846; she was born June 10, 1822; their children were Robert E., was born June 24, 1847 ; Melvina, May 26, 1849; Wilson, Sept. 17, 1850; Elizabeth, May 10, 1852. Robert E. died Oct. 23, 1854; Elizabeth died Dec. 27, 1852, and the mother May 4, 1853. Mr. Painter was married to Amelia French June 17, 1860 ; she was born Nov. 13, 1839 ; three children were born unto them, namely: Albert F., May 17, 1861 ; Nettie, Oct. 3, 1863 ; and an infant in 1865 ; Amelia Painter died in 1866. Mr. Painter went with the 163d National Guards in the service. He is a member of the Meth- odist Church, and his first wife also was.

PARKER, ROBERT (deceased), was born in Mary- land, Baltimore Co., in 1786, and came to Perry Town- ship in 1827, in a one-horse wagon ; he entered 80 acres of the northeast quarter of Sec. 15. He was married to Elizabeth Shultz, and they had eleven children, namely: Susannah, Mary, Henry, James, Elizabeth, Catharine, Caroline, Ellen, Anna, George and John ; three of the brothers and four sisters are dead ; Mr. Parker died May 7, 1852, and his wife Aug. 6, 1877, aged 77 years 9 months and 23 days. George, the re- maining brother, lives on a part of Sec. 14, and was born in the township July 17, 1838 ; he commenced to teach school in 1861 ; he is now Township Clerk.

PHILLIPS, THOMAS, was born in Dorchester Co., Md.; he came with his parents to Ohio in 1812, and they settled in Jefferson Co., and, in 1819, moved to Jackson Co. The subject of this sketch came to Perry Township in 1824, alone, to visit his sister, married to Joseph Pumphrey. He married one of Abraham Ilet- rick's daughters. Mr. Hetrick came from York Co., Penn., and settled in Perry Township in 1814. Mr. Phillips began his career as a citizen and farmer on Sec. 8, where he resided four years. In 1829, he purchased a part of Sec. 10, and, in 1830, built a part of the mill now known as Frairie's or Corbett's factory. In 1835, a grist-mill was attached, and two sets of buhrs run. It continued under his management till 184f<, when he sold to Frairie, and for a time thereafter gave his en- tire attention to farming. In 1858, he erected a saw- mill on his possession, and has operated it up to this time. Mr. Phillips is in possession of great mechanical genius, and is able to perform almost any work he turns his hand to do. He has been a person of great muscular strength and physical endurance, and has left his mark upon the pioneer wilderness of Perry Town- ship, during his residence of sixty-five year-<. He was a Trustee of his township many years. Mr. Phillips was born Jan. 13, 1800. His first wife, Sarah Hetrick, was born Nov. 16, 1807. They were married March 3, 1825. Childrep — Temperance, born Nov. 29, 1825; George Washington, July 19, 1827 ; Sarah Ann, April 22,1829; ]Mary, Jan. 22, 1831 ; Caroline, Oct. 11, 1833; Darius, Jan. 13, 1835; Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1840; Will- iam H , Jan. 11, 1842; Martha, Feb. 5, 1844; Loviua, Feb. 12, 1846 ; Margaret Ann, Nov. 28, 1850. Sarah Phillips died June 19, 1851; married Jacintha Cook Feb. 26, 1862 ; she was John Cook's daughter, who came to Perry Township in 1812 ; she was born Sept. 1, 1813. Deaths— George, died March 1, 1874; Darius, Feb. 8, 1851 ; William went to the war of the rebellion in the 64th 0. V. I., and was killed at the battle of

��Stone River Dec. 31, 1862 ; Thomas M. went to the war in the 83d 0. V. I., and was at the capture of Harpers Ferry,

POORMAN, SAMUEL, farmer; he was born in Perry Township, Richland Co., and brought up on a farm; after marriage, he moved to Morrow Co.; after remain- ing a few years, he moved to Fulton Co., which was in the spring of 1864 ; since then, he has lived in Morrow Co., and, in the spring of 1876, returned to Perry Township. Mrs. Poorman was a daughter of John Dillon Burke, and her mother's name before marriage was Elizabeth Arbuckle. Samuel Poorman was born Feb. 20, 1831; Sarah Burke was born July 4, 1835; they were married March 8, 1857; children — lone, was born Jan. 17, 1858; Clinton, May 29, 1861; Martha, Sept. 26, 1865. Mrs. Poorman is a member of the M. E. Church. Her mother was born in Pennsylvania and father in Virginia.

RUHLE, HENRY, farmer; resides near the western line of Perry, now in Morrow Co., where his father and he commenced in the woods, and cleared a farm. He was born in York Co., Penn., April 14, 1808, and brought up on a farm. His father came to Perry Town- ship in the month of May, 1833, He was married to Catharine A. Patterson March 20, 1834, who came to Richland Co, from Maryland with her parents in 1825 ; their children are Helen Elizabeth, born Feb. 28, 1835, and died in infancy ; Kate, born Sept. 10, 1837 ; Leah, born Dec, 15, 1839. Leah was married to Byron Laver- ing; Kate married Jacob Rule April 23, 1865, who is a farmer and grain thrasher, and was born in Ohio ; Eva is their oldest child, born Sept. 24, 1866; Herma, born April 21, 1871 : Idella, born Nov. 17, 1874. Mr. Ruble and his wife are members of the Lutheran Church ; he united when 24 years af age, and she, about 1849. Mr. Ruble is an estimable citizen, and filled the oifice of Township Trustee for eleven years.

RUHL, JOHN, farmer, resides on a part of Sec 23, which he owns ; his father, George Ruhl, was born about the year 1788, in Pennsylvania, and migrated to Richland Co., and settled on Sec. 13, Perry Township, in the fall of 1812 ; he had seventeen children — Wash- ington, Levi, Amos, Jeremiah, Adam, Charles, Isaac, David, William, Sarah, Hannah, John, George, Henry, Elias, Elizabeth and Elijah. He entered the land upon which his son now resides ; he came from York Co., Penn., in a wagon, and was obliged to cut his road from Bellville to the place he settled. The Indians frequently visited his cabin, and borrowed cooking pots, dishes and other things, which they always returned according to promise. The subject of this sketch was born in Perry Township, and has always followed farm- ing as an occupation ; he commenced to keep house in Congress Township, Morrow Co., where he resided until he moved to the place he now owns ; he was born Oct. 28, 1824. Elizabeth Bisel, daughter of Emanuel Bisel and Catherine Black, was born April 18, 1825 ; they were married Aug. 4, 1846; children — Charlotte was born June 9, 1847; Jonas W., July 27, 1849; .Jason J.. April 15, 1851 ; Benjamin F., June 27, 1853 ; Davis M., June 11, 1855.

SHIVELY, JACOB; thesubjectofthissketvh was born in Franklin Co., Penn.; he came with his parents to Perry

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