Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 5.djvu/841

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  • laration for State's rights in worn, suff. plank, 1916, 711.
  • Resolutions, adopted by natl. suff. conv. of 1901, 15; of 1902, 43; 1903, 67; of 1904, 105; of 1905, 136, 145-6; of 1906, 179; of 1907, 212; of 1908, 240; of 1909, 257; of 1911, 328; of 1912, 339; of 1913, 373; of 1914, 425-6; of 1915, sacredness of home and marriage, 461; of 1916, 502; of 1917, loyalty and service to the Govt, 518; Cong, urged to submit Fed. Suff. Amend, as a War measure; rejoicing over many important victories; support for war measures of Govt; equal pay for equal work, 543; of 1919, 574-5; of 1920, 600-1.
  • Resolutions for Woman Suffrage by various organizations, 128.
  • Reynolds, Minnie J, work on natl. suff. petit, 258; secures writers' names, 275; gives eminent list at Senate hearing, 295 297.
  • Rhees, Pres. Rush, speaks of Anthony Mem. Bldg, 744.
  • Rhinelander, Rt. Rev. Philip Mercer, 343-
  • Richards, Janet, 260, 264; bef. House Judic. Com, 434; on recep. com, 1917, 515.
  • Richardson, A. Madely, 611.
  • Richardson, Nell, 6,000 mile motor suff. trip, 481.
  • Richardson, "Tom", welcomes natl. suff. conv. to New Orleans, 57.
  • Ringrose, Mary E, 317. Ian, U. S. Rep, Daniel J. (N. 548; 645.
  • Roberts, Gov. Albert H, helps ratif. in Tenn, 652; Dem. Natl. Com. urges to call spec, session for ratif, 717.
  • Robertson, Beatrice Forbes, 289.
  • Robins, Raymond, 289; 511.
  • Mrs. Raymond, pres. Natl. Worn. Trade Union League, on White Slave Traffic, 286; appeals for vote in name of the league 302; 306; res. that suffs. support K candidates favoring Fed. Amend, stirs up Atlantic City conv, 489; asks ballot for women wage earners, 496, 499; 564; 570; chmn. Women in Industry Com, 686, 692.
  • Robinson, State Sen. Helen Ring (Colo.), 366.
  • Robinson, Margaret C, accused by Mrs. Catt of making false assertions against her during the war, 736.
  • Rochester University, mem. bldg. for Miss Anthony, 200-1.
  • Rodgers, Helen Z. M, 214.
  • Roessing, Mrs. Frank M, tells of Penn. campn, 444; 450; elected natl. vice-pres, 456; 485; 501; appt. chmn. Congressl. Comm, 506; report of work, 503-511; aids Congressl. Com, 525; 566; work at Repub. Natl. Conv, 710.
  • Rogers, Mrs. Henry Wade, elected natl. treas, 425; report, large receipts, 441; re-elected, 456; report for 1916, receipts, $81,869; obligations to "finance com. of fifty." 482-3; report as chmn. for war com. on Food Production, 520; reelected, treas. report for 1917, comparison with early days, 541; 555; report for 1918, receipts, $107,736; Oversea Hospitals' fund, $133,339, 558; report, receipts from 1914 to 1920; with Oversea Hospitals' fund. $612,000, 608; seven years of gratuitous service, 609; at Repub. Natl. Conv, 716; 724; report of funds for Women's Oversea Hospitals during the war, 734.
  • Rogers, Mrs. John, 395.
  • Roosevelt, Alice, greets Miss Anthony, 88.
  • Roosevelt, President Theodore, I invites Miss Anthony to White House, 88; receives natl. suff. conv. 99; it asks him to recommend Fed. Suff. Amend, 126; Miss Anthony presents list of requests, all ignored, 137; birthday letter to Miss Anthony, 191; suff. com. interviews, he says a petition would have no effect on him, 217; 222; says people have a right to chainge Natl. Constitn, 359; speaks for worn, suff, in Metrop. Opera House. New York, 367; urges U. S. Sen. Moses to vote for Fed. Suff. Amend, 571; favors Amend, 57+; favors worn. suff. plank in Progressive platform, 625; speaks for it, 626; urges Fed Suff. Amend, 634; 636; at Natl. Repub. Conv, 1912, 705; forms Progressive Party; its res. com. substitutes another for his wom. suff. plank. 706; he accepts and speas for it, 707; while Pres, he refused all appeals, 706.
  • Roosevelt, Jr, Mrs Theodore, 442.
  • Root, Mrs. Elihu, advises Pres. Taft not to welcome natl. suff. conv, 269.