Page:Homo-sexual Life by William John Fielding (1925).pdf/20

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in fact apply it (in the opposite manner to obtain the opposite results), when we inculcate manly ideas in the minds of our boys and encourage them to conduct themselves in a manly way, in order to develop in them the attributes of manliness. With girls, we foster the womanly ideal and encourage them in the direction of proper feminine conduct to promote the accredited qualities of womanhood.

We also see evidenced at times the wish to remain a child, and to retain the privileges and attentions of childhood, which apply to neurotic persons. This notably interferes with their development and progress toward adulthood.

Stekel tells us that when a boy acts like a girl, it does not necessarily mean that he has that kind of a predisposition. It may only signify his identification with his mother or with a sister, whom he unconsciously accepts as a model to pattern his conduct after.

It is the conviction of Sadger that permanent homosexuality is established through some significant incident which leads to the repression of the mother in her role as helper and teacher. Among such incidents may be death, sudden financial reverses, and consequent neurosis, making sanatorium treatment necessary, inconsiderate persecution of the boy on account of masturbation, and similar psychic shocks. Sadger's conclusions may be summed up as follows:

(a) The urning is a victim of withdrawal from the mother (the first caretaker or nurse, respectively), in whom he is himself seriously