Page:Homo-sexual Life by William John Fielding (1925).pdf/43

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Madame Blavatsky, George Sand, Rosa Bonheur, and others.

Pronounced bisexuality in woman is indicated by a strong masculine cast in the constitutional make-up, which is often observed in women who have achieved outstanding success in various fields of activity. Often they never marry.

In man, pronounced bisexuality is evidenced by a large endowment of femininity. There are, however, homosexual types of both sexes who do not give outward evidence of the characteristics of the opposite sex. In these instances, the homosexual state is almost entirely psychic, and would not seem to be constitutionally or organically conditioned.

Among the modern artist-writers and poets who have done great service in interpreting and reconstructing Greek life and ideals—Carpenter cites men like Winkelmann, Goethe, Addington Symonds, Walter Pater, as having a marked strain of this temperament. And this, he adds, has been a service of great value, one which the world would ill have afforded to lose.