Page:Homo-sexual Life by William John Fielding (1925).pdf/53

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3. By the side of the functional signs of degeneration attending antipathic sexual feeling are found other functional, and in many cases anatomical, evidences of degeneration.

4. Neurosis (hysteria, neurasthenia, epileptoid states, etc.) co-exist. Almost invariably the existence of temporary or lasting neurasthenia may be proved. As a rule, this is constitutional, having its root in congenital conditions. It is awakened and maintained by masturbation or enforced abstinence.

(We have already considered the fallacious reasoning of ascribing homosexuality to masturbation. W. J. F.)

5. In the majority of cases, psychical anomalies (brilliant endowment in art, especially music, poetry, etc., by the side of bad intellectual powers or original eccentricity) are present, which may extend to pronounced conditions of mental degeneration (imbecility, moral insanity). In many urnings, either temporary or permanent insanity of a degenerative character (pathological emotional states, periodical insanity, paranoia, etc.) makes its appearance.

6. In almost all cases where an examination of the physical and mental peculiarities of the ancestors and blood relations has been possible, neurosis, psychosis, degenerative signs, etc., have been found in the families.

It is Krafft-Ebing's view that the study of antipathic sexual feeling points directly to anomalies of the cerebral organization of the afflicted individuals. "The very fact that in these cases, with few exceptions, the sexual