Page:How and what to grow in a kitchen garden of one acre (IA howwhattogrowin00darl).pdf/71

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recently introduced, but bids fair to take a leading place as a winter variety; the heads are quite round and very solid; they are of medium size and very handsome appearance, which make it a good market variety, while the quality fully equals its good looks.


The culture of this vegetable is the same as that for cabbage, in most respects, but it is not a certain crop in our changeable climate and hot, dry summers. It likes plenty of moisture, and if placed in a rather wet location or in a bed where it can be frequently watered, it will be much more certain to produce fine heads. Its superior quality and the high price that good heads command make it a most desirable crop to grow wherever it will do well. I have always found the short-stemmed, extra early varieties the best ones to grow, and as in the ordinary season but about half of them produce heads under ordinary garden culture, the rest of them maturing throughout the summer and fall, it is almost a continuous crop. The seed should be sown as early as possible, in the hotbed, and great care should be taken that the plants do not become either stunted or drawn, as none but the strong, healthy plants will produce good heads. It will greatly improve the appearance of the heads if some of the broad outside leaves are broken half through the stems and the tops bent over the heads while forming. This will blanch and keep them of that pure whiteness so attractive in this vegetable as grown by the market garden-