Page:How to Have Bird Neighbors.pdf/140

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apartment, room, living quarters.

Audubon, John James Audubon, noted student of bird life.

authority, one who has commanding knowledge of a subject.

berating, scolding.

Berlepsch, family name of a nobleman who was noted for his kindness to birds.

bewildered, confused.

birdling, a baby bird.

blending, mixing.

bluster, play the bully.

bungalow, a one-story house.

chickfeed, a mixture of cracked grain.

clamber, climb awkwardly.

commotion, disturbance.

conjecture, guess, suppose.

convenient, suitable, handy.

cornice, the fancy topmost part of a wall, usually overhanging.

courageous, full of courage, brave.

craw, the crop; part of a bird's throat through which his food passes.

crouching, lying flat or very close to the ground.

delving, making holes by digging; working hard.

demonstration, a show.

distinguished, notable, unusually fine.

distressed, troubled.