Page:How to Play Chess (Rogers).djvu/54

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occupies KRSq., and the White Queen occupies K8, then the Black King is in perpetual check, for he can only move one square at a time. To avoid the check he must move to KR2 whereupon the White Queen moves to KR5, again giving check. The King then moves to KKtsq. and the Queen again checks him from K8. Thus the check continues to be perpetual wherever he moves. In all cases of perpetual check the game is drawn.

Pieces. The name given to the Chessmen of superior value which stand on the first rank at the beginning of the game. The term is also used by some authorities to refer to all the chessmen, including the Pawns.

Pin. A force is said to be pinned when it cannot move without exposing a more valuable Piece to attack from the enemy. The term is generally used with reference to a Piece or Pawn that is protecting a King or Queen.

Pion Coiffe, or Narked Pawn. A description of odds that is rarely given, and