Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/513

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A boat at midnight sent alone
To drift upon the moonless sea,
A lute, whose leading chord is gone,
A wounded bird, that hath but one
Imperfect wing to soar upon,
Are like what I am, without thee.

MooreLoves of the Angels. Second Angel's Story.


But there's nothing half so sweet in life
As love's young dream.

MooreLove's Young Dream. St. 1.


"Tell me, what's Love;" said Youth, one day,
To drooping Age, who crost his way.—
"It is a sunny hour of play;
For which repentance dear doth pay;
Repentance! Repentance!
And this is Love, as wise men say."

MooreYouth and Age.


I've wandered east, I've wandered west,

I've bourne a weary lot; But in my wanderings far or near Ye never were forgot. The fount that first burst frae this heart , Still travels on its way And channels deeper as it rins The luve o' life's young day. Wm. Motherwell—Jeanie Morrison. </poem>

Duty's a slave that keeps the keys,
But Love, the master goes in and out
Of his goodly chambers with song and shout,
Just as he please—just as he please.
D. M. Mulock—Plighted.

Ah, dearer than my soul . . .
Dearer than light, or life, or fame.
Oldham—Lament for Saul and Jonathan.
 | seealso = (See also Wordsworth)
 | topic = Love
 | page = 475

{{Hoyt quote
 | num =
 | text = <poem>Militat omnis amans.
Every lover is a soldier. (Love is a warfare.)
Ovid—Amorum. I. 9. 1.

Qui non vult fieri desidiosus, amet.
Let the man who does not wish to be idle,
fall in love.
Ovid—Amorum. I. 9. 46.

Sic ego nee sine te nee tecum vivere possum
Et videor voti nescius esse mei.
Thus I am not able to exist either with you
or without you; and I seem not to know my
own wishes.
Ovid—Amorum. Bk. III. 10. 39.

Jupiter ex alto perjuria ridet amantum.
Jupiter from on high laughs at the perjuries
of lovers.
Ovid—Ars Amatoria. Bk. I. 633.

(See also Dryden)

Res est soliciti plena timoris amor.
Love is a thing full of anxious fears.
Ovid—Heroides. I. 12.

/ Quicquid Amor jussit non est contemnere tutum.
Sf Regnat, et in dominos jus habet ille deos. I
It is not safe to despise what Love commands. He reigns supreme, and rules the
mighty gods.
Ovid—Heroides. IV. 11.

Hei mihi! quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis.
Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs.
Ovid—Metamorphoses. I. 523.

Non bene conveniunt, nee in una sede morantur,
Majestas et amor.
Majesty and love do not well agree, nor do
they live together.
Ovtd—Metamorphoses. II. 846.

Credula res amor est.
Love is a credulous thing.
Ovid—Metamorphoses. VII. 826. Heroides.
VI. 21.

Otia si tollas, periere cupidinis arcus.
If you give up your quiet life, the bow of
Cupid will lose its power.
Ovid—Remedia Amoris. CXXXDL
 Qui finem qua;ris amoris,
(Cedit amor rebus) res age; tutus eris.
If thou wishest to put an end to love, attend
to business (love yields to employment) ; then
thou wilt be safe.
Ovid—Remedia Amoris. CXLIII.

Let those love now who never lov'd before,
Let those who always loved now love the more.
Thos. Parnell—Trans, of the Pervigilium
Veneris. Ancient poem. Author unknown.
Ascribed to Catullus. See also Burton

 | work = Anatomy of Melancholy.
 | place = Pt. III. Sec. II.
Memb. 5. 5.

The moods of love are like the wind,
And none knows whence or why they rise.
Coventry Patmore—The Angel in the House.
Sarum Plain.

My merry, merry, merry roundelay
Concludes with Cupid's curse,
They that do change old love for new,
Pray gods, they change for worse!
George Peele—Cupid's Curse; From the Arraignment of Paris.

What thing is love?—for (well I wot) love is a
It is a prick, it is a sting.
It is a pretty, pretty thing;
It is a fire, it is a coal,
Whose flame creeps in at every hole!
George Peele—Miscellaneous Poems. The
Hunting of Cupid.

Love will make men dare to die for their beloved—love alone; and women as well as men.
Plato—The Symposium.

Qui amat, tamen hercle si esurit, nullum esurit.
He that is in love, faith, if he be hungry is
not hungry at all.
Plautus—Casina. IV. 2. 16.