Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/147

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NO. 2



��va - 'rvariB north



��o-'gipa south.

��hidi'ko'D This with



��iD'amohowan natpubo'ida'kta

us over there that he did hither leave

ba"marogat para ha'stu

his father-in-law in order anything

nat'a'ndao kuvi > putma - 'kda natar-

that we might beg that he us will give that we

ma-mrat gat.o-'k- kuvi'.putma-'kida

are his children that our Father. Then he us=

will go giving

ha'snata-nida aniho' nampudadar

thus that we will go begging. Hereabouts that*

they are seated

hacnaci'diidu ganavaricto'do mainic- thus that hoards that which is green petate*

dam navarica'pma'cimka-t ichikmao on. That is well appearing spread out cloudy

icva"irtaG navarahi'kom.or na'mpua'r'gidic drizzly which is their cloud within that*

they form

ganavargo'gur to'hongiD'am aniho' ci'ko-r that which is great rock-piles on hereabouts


puha'kago'cim ba-'variB hu'rniB

returning north west

o - 'gipa hidi'ko't navaricto'doc

south. This with which is green

to'vaga'pa puva'kuG'atim hi'di

sky in already finishing this

ho'mat gcr'G vaik nf.o/k-

one two three word

��natpuho'ko'tbo'i.a'r'gidic that he did with hither form

kuti < cpuaw6 1 t - am6 - mgia Then we them beneath will bow



��oi'dadam world on.

��Ohi beautiful

��to't'vakwot'a skies beneath

��gana'varci'vgok they which are seven

piho'dor where from

��na'tpuboio-a'kta na'variD-a-D pa'ra

that she did hither us leave that she is our*

Mother in order

��natputan.daD that we should beg

��gako'tT'up 1 that Toloache



��naticho-'hidao kuvi'.put - makida

that we might wish. That he us will go giving

ha'stunata - 'nda natarma'mraD na'tpupiho'- anything that we will beg that we are his children

that we anywhere*

soima.mac kuha'pu.pi'cop* ati'cta'n

sad appear. Then thus also we beg

ha-'gicdara ganavarinsu'sbidat inci'u'k pardon she that is my Protector, my Morning* Star,

in.Q-'k inda - 't aniho' nampudada'r my Father my Mother hereabouts that they are* seated

ganavarci'vgok o - 'hi

they which are seven beautiful

konkihap.i ma-'tok

With which thus is; know,

��Then God thee will sympathize.


skies on.

inka'ok me hear.


The toloache is a plant of great power, being the son-in-law of the Father Sun. He attained this by reason of his marriage to the Corn Daughter. But he mistreated her by having two mistresses, Crow and Map- uache, and was fastened head-downward in the ground, his limbs outstretched and was commanded to give mortals whatever they might beg of him. 1

It is said to have a thick trunk of nine inches diameter and no roots, growing on the bare rock. Its five branches extend to the cardinal points and to heaven. It is made of money and each one has a jicara full of coin in front of it. One may borrow this money and return it in five years time. But having done so, he may not attend confession. Or he may beg fortune which will later be vouchsafed to him. Needless to say, the toloache is an extremely rare plant in the Tepecano country.

To beg fortune of the toloache one must first fast seven days for Maria Santfsima and

1 Cf. JAFL, xxvii, 160.

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