Page:IJAL vol 1.djvu/285

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NO. 4



��fax to bite

t'e.\ to fish with hook

/Yv' to pound t'l, t'i, t'i to find

t'uk"', t'tik"', tJk"' to shoot an arrow

sd, sa, sen to name ; to breathe sis, sis, sis to sail ; smoke rises

set', sef , si? to tear sti to sew with cedar-withes suw, stiWf suw to chop

tsaq' tsaq', tsxq' to push with the point of a long thing

tscx, tsex, tsiy to kick

tsis, tsis, tsti to dive, to swim under water tshi alive, strong

cat', cat', czt' to take cxn old cu to hunt

cuwq, cuwq, c'jU'q to laugh djaq', djaq 1 , djzq' to kill (siiig. object) dji to think djitu to dream

djiix, d/i'ix, djjx to roll a ring or hoop tciin to wound

tciik"', tciik"', U-jk"' to rub a skin in order to sof- ten it

mi to drink

ni, H i, nxn to do, to work 113.1' to shake

Mi</', /', nig' to stand (pi.) ni, ni, tiin to carry several things

nut' to swallow

��-gits to bite K

-ca' to catch with a hook K

-hwal, -hwai to fish for with a hook H-

-tss.1', -tsd to pound H

-tsan, -tsMi to find H

-t'o to shoot with arrow Nav

-t'ok, -t'o to shoot (with a gun) B

-t'as to shoot (with bow and arrow) Chip

-yi, -yf to be named Chip

kit to hang, to spread, to settle (fog or

smoke) H

-tcul, -tcul, -tc'tl to tear, to rend Chip -da to sew Chip

-/6d, -Wit, -Qel to strike, to chop Chip -tse, tsi, tsi' to push (long object ?) Chip

'its to kick B

-t'al to kick H

-/, -/ to dive, to swim underwater H

-iia, -nai to be alive Chip

-kit to catch with the hands H

-leu to seize Chip

sa old age Nav

-/ to hunt game Nav

-^E, -^E' to hunt Chip

-dlo -dlok' to laugh Chip

-^i/' to kill (sing, object) Chip

-5a, -6*H, -is/2, -fJi to think Chip

-lal, -lal to dream to sleep Chip

-bas to roll a hoop Jic

-/a/5 to shoot, to wound B

-gis to rub a skin Jic

-naw to drink K -in to do K

-mat to shake (intrans.) H -ya to stand on one's feet (pi. only) H -la, -lai, -hi relating to the position or mo- vement of two or three objects Chip -kat to swallow K -dzk' to swallow B

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