Page:Illustrated Astronomy.pdf/45

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The magnetic field is a force field. The Earth has a great magnetic field that seems to be related to the terrestrial core composition, a core of molten iron. This magnetic field acts like a protective shield, deflecting the high-speed particles coming from the Sun.

All of this is beneficial to us because without this magnetic field life on Earth would be exposed to a constant charged particles rain, such as electrons (particles or beta radiation), protons, and helium cores (alpha particles), among others, putting its existence at risk.

Once particles are deflected, they speed up and enter the Earth through the polar regions, producing the most breathtaking wonder ever: The Polar Aurora (aurora borealis in the Northern Hemisphere, and aurora australis in the Southern Hemisphere).


…Earth’s magnetic field, as the Earth itself, also has poles, but the magnetic north pole is, in fact, near to the geographic south pole and so?

In fact, if we drew a straight line between the southern and the northern pole, it would not pass through the Earth’s center since its terrestrial magnetic field is not perfectly symmetrical.