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And placed it in his bosom from her own:—
"And this, Leandro!—this shall be thy guide!
"Thy youth has been a dream of passion; guilt
"And even have been round thee:—go thy way!
"The showers of thy youth will clear to summer.
"My prayers be with thee!"—"Prayers!—oh! nothing more?
"Have I then lost thy love—thy precious love?
"The only green leaf of my heart is withered!"
She blushed a deep-red blush; her eloquent eyes
Met his almost reproachfully, and her face
Was the next moment hidden on his bosom.
But there was happiness even in that farewell,
Affection and deep confidence,
Tenderness, hope—for Love lights Hope,—and tears,
Delicious tears! the heart's own dew.