Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/201

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General Glover's true story
In Susan's escort
Governor's dinner
In Christmas in Narragansett
Hands off
In Works v 2
Happy island
In Works v 1
Christmas in Narragansett
Man without a country
Harper 59:209
Hepzibah's turkeys
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
His level best
In Works v 1
His level best
Man without a country
In Works v 4
Brick moon
In His name. A story of the Waldenses seven hundred years ago
In Works v 2
In His name
John Rich and Lucy Poor
In Susan's escort
King Charles's shilling
In Susan's escort
Law and gospel
In Christmas in Narragansett
Harper 63:267
Lost palace
In Works v 4
Brick moon
Crusoe in New York
Old and New 10:405
Love is the whole
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Lucy Poor. See Hale, E. E. John Rich and Lucy Poor
Man without a country
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 8
Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 10:450
Ridpath library of universal literature v 1
Trent, W. P., and Henneman, T. B. Best American stories
Warner library
Atlan 12:665
Outlook 45:77
Outlook 92:515
Sharpe 45:77
Max Keesler's horse-car
In Crusoe in New York
Minister's black veil
In Susan's escort
Mrs. De Laix's indecision
In Susan's escort
Modern Psyche
In Works v 1
Crusoe in New York
Man without a country
Harper 51:885
Modern Sindbad
In His level best
Mouse and lion
In His level best
My double and how he undid me
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country
My double and how he undid me
Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Atlan 4:356
My friend the boss
In My friend the boss
Lend a Hand 1:24
Neither scrip nor money
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
New Arabian night
In Susan's escort
Harper 78:619
Next his hand
In Christmas in Narragansett
Nicolette and Aucassin
In Crusoe in New York
Old and New 10:223
99 Linwood street
In Works v 4
Brick moon
One cent
In Christmas in Narragansett
One good turn
In One good turn
Susan's escort
Only a fly
In Susan's escort
Chaut 18:293
Our new crusade
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
Pharaoh's harvest
In Susan's escort
In Christmas in Narragansett
Queen of California
In His level best
Rag-man and the rag-woman
In Works v 1
Man without a country
Red and white
In Red and white
Return message
In Christmas in Narragansett
Round the world in a hack
In Works v 1
Man without a country
Safe deposit
In Safe deposit
Same Christmas in old England and new
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Skeleton in the closet
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country