Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/238

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Hibbard, George AbiahContinued
Her way of convincing him
In Ladies' H J 27:16 Je '00
In Atlan 97:444
Heroines three
In Leslie's M 60:355
In Ladies' H J 21:4, 61 N '04
In Iduna
Cent 32:49
In maiden meditation
In Iduna
Cent 41:443
In the midst of life
In Nowadays
Journal of a millionaire
In Cent 65:97
King of every-man's-land
In Munsey 43:684
Lanahan's luck
In Metropol 26:585
In Everybody's 17:458
In Bookm 21:590; 22:30
Lion in the way
In Harper 103:175
Love and polo
In Leslie's M 58:439
"Mad world, my masters"
In Nowadays
Maiden meditation. See Hibbard, G. A. In maiden meditation
Marvels of science
In Scrib M 29:476
Matter of fact
In Governor
Scrib M 10:23
Matter of opinion
In Scrib M 28:233
In Lippinc 91:589
Miss Kinglake r s experiment
In Sat Eve Post 179:11 D '22 '06
Miss Latymer
In Scrib M 12:731
Miss Wainwright's adventure
In Sat Eve Post 174:7 Je 7 '02
Morning call
In Harper 106:305
Mystery of the centenarian
In Everybody's 12:12
New Frankenstein
In Munsey 35:755
Night before Christmas
In Harp B 47:7 Ja '13
In Nowadays
On the links
In Cent 64:827
One woman's way
In Cent 49:275
In Sat Eve Post 175:5 Ja 31 '03
In Iduna
Predicament of E. Truman Ficklin
In Sat Eve Post 176:6 Ag 3 '01
In Harper 95:772
Rainy afternoon
In Scrib M 15:83
Reproof valiant
In Reader 7:378
Requirements of the situation
In McClure 21:381
Rosamond's romance
In Harper 91:219
Sacrifice to the graces
In Cosmopol 38:658
Shadow of love
In Cent 67:126
Silent partner
In Sat Eve Post 176:3 O 24 '03
In Scrib M 49:102
Somewhere in New York
In Scrib M 64:212
In Harper 97:301
Story of a great grandfather
In Scrib M 33:76
Summer intimacy
In Scrib M 15:363
Ten thousand horses
In Scrib M 58:442
Their story
In Harper 88:756
"There's nothing half so sweet in life"
In Nowadays
Thing apart
In Cent 59:512
To Kellogg's farm
In Delin 74:119
In Harp B 39:1079
In Scrib M 43:239
Vehicle of love
In McClure 22:627
Way he won her
In Sat Eve Post 178:4 Mr 3 '06
Way it was
In McClure 22:627
When Nora bought the piano
In Munsey 48:947
Within the eye of honor
In Harper 95:34
Woman in the case
In Iduna
Cent 38:209
Woman's wit
In Strand M 56:449
"Would Dick do that"?
In Iduna
Harper 81:42
Hichens, Robert Smythe, 1864-
After tomorrow
In After tomorrow
Black spaniel
In Black spaniel
Blessed mime
In Eng Illust 18:345
Boudoir boy
In Bye-ways
Charmer of snakes
In Bye-ways