Page:Jemmy and Nancy of Yarmouth, or, The constant lovers (1).pdf/2

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All lovers, I pray lend an ear to my story,
Take an example by this constant pair,
For love this young virgin did blast in her glory,
Beautiful Nancy of Yarmouth we hear.
She was a merchant’s only daughter,
Heir unto fifteen hundred a-year:
A young man courted her, call’d her his jewel,
The son of a gentleman who lived near.

Many long years this maid he admired,
When but very young in love they agreed ;
And when come of age this couple arrived,
Cupid an arrow between them display’d.
Their tender hearts were linked together,
But when their parents the same did hear,
They to their charming young beautiful daughter,
Acted a part that was base and severe.

Daughter, they said, give over proceeding,
If that against our consent you do wed,
For evermore we resolve to disown you,
If you wed with one who so meanly is bred.
Her mother said, you have a great fortune,
Besides your charming beautiful and young;
You are a match, dear child, that is fitting
For any Lord that’s in Christendom.

Then did reply this young beautiful virgin,
Riches and honour I both do deny,
If I’m deprived of my dearest lover,

Then farewell the world, which is all vanity.