Page:Joan, the curate.djvu/217

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A Perilous Ride.

back. "Do you not see whom I have with me? There is none here, I am very sure, would harm Parson Langney's daughter?"

"Nay," cried out one of the horsemen, whom, by the voice, Tregenna knew to be Tom; "we'll not harm her. But thou shalt not shelter thyself behind a woman's petticoats!"

But before he could finish his speech Tregenna had deftly disengaged himself from the clasp of Joan's arms, and springing to the ground struck Ben the Blast such a violent blow with the muzzle of one of his pistols that that burly ruffian released his hold on the horse's bridle. Then, before any one had time to stop him, or even to realize his intention, Tregenna thrust the reins into Joan's hands, and bidding her "Hold on! Ride on quickly!" gave the horse a smart cut which sent him galloping forward clear away from the throng.

Then, springing to the side of the road, he put his back against a tree, drew his cutlass, and prepared to make the best defense he could.

Jack Price, with a fearful oath, rode at him, but missed his aim with the knife he held, and narrowly escaped being dismounted, as the horse swerved on nearing the tree. Robin