Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/295

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Wage equal battle.
Burning at the sight
With indignation, Glacidas beheld
His troops fly scattered; fast on every side
The foes up-rushing eager to their spoil;
The holy standard waving; and the Maid 425
Fierce in pursuit. "Speed but this arrow Heaven!"
The Chief exclaim'd, "and I shall fall content."
So saying, he his sharpest quarrel chose,
And fix'd the bow-string, and against the Maid
Levelling, let loose: her arm was rais'd on high 430
To smite a fugitive: he glanced aside,
Shunning her deadly stroke, and thus receiv'd
The Chieftain's arrow: thro' his ribs it pass'd,
And cleft that vessel, whence the purer blood,
Thro' many a branching channel o'er the frame 435
"Fool!" the enraged Chief exclaim'd,
"Would she had slain thee! thou hast lived too long."
Again he aim'd his arbalist: the string
