Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/407

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Roll'd its full weight of waters; far away 480
The fearful Satrap mark'd on Asia's coasts
The floating fragments, and with ominous fear
Trembled for the Great King.
Still Talbot strove,
Tho' with vain valor, as when Ali rear'd
In the midnight war the warrior-withering cry! 485
The aged Hero rear'd his two-edged sword,
And ever as he smote a foe, exclaim'd,
"God is victorious!" in the battle's clang
Four hundred times from Ali's powerful voice
That sound of Death was heard: but vainly strove 490
The blameless Chieftain, by the Assassin's hand
Destin'd to end a life of frustrate hopes.

Young Talbot mark'd the Maid across the plain,
Careering fierce in conquest. Her to meet
He spurr'd his horse, by one decisive deed 495
Or to retrieve the battle, or to fall
With glory. Each beneath the other's blow
