Page:Johns's notable Australians 1908.djvu/212

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the great shearers' strike. M.L.A. of Qland for Flinders 1893-1001, and returned to the first House of Representatives Mar. 1901, and re-elected 1908 and 1906. Elected Chairman of Committees of the House of Representa- tives in 1907.

XAGDOWA&D, Donald, Journalist and author; o. Fitsroy, Victoria. He has been connected with The Argus Melbourne for 25 years. He represented The Argus and other Austn. journals in South Africa in the early part of the Boer war, and was shut up in Ladysmith during the siege. Lectured on his experiences as war correspondent throughout Australia and in England. Author of Gumboughs and Wattleblossom and How We Kept the Flag Flying; also part author of At the Warrigal's Well. As Observer he is well known as a critic of football and cricket. He has written a long series of articles on natural history. Recreation— Study of natural history. Addres*— The Argus office, Melbourne; Moorabinda, East St Hilda, Victoria.

MACDOVAUD, John, Manager of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. Ltd. Brisbane since 1888, Chairman of the National Agricultural and Industrial Associa- tion of Queensland for seven years, and Chair- man of Brisbane Stock and Station Agents' Assn. ; o. Hamilton, Victoria, Aug. 29, 1869, and s. s. of the late Rev. Angus Macdonald, Presbyterian minister at Hamilton. He en- tered the office of Lyell k Gowan, accoun- tants and financial agents, Melbourne, in 1876, Joined N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. at Melbourne in 1880. and was appointed Accountant at Adelaide in 1888. m. 1889, Mary Grace, 2nd d. of D. R. Mc- Gregor, Melbourne. Recreation— <tolt. Ad- dreee— Brisbane.

MAODOWAXD, John Crraham, F.R.G.S., early Queensland Explorer and pastoralist, and afterwards Police Magistrate; P. in the County of Cumberland, New South Wales, Sept. 5, 1884. At an early age he joined his brother A. C. Macdonald, (q. v.) in Victoria and gained a knowledge of sur- veying. In 1859 he sold out his farming and grazing interests in the Geelong district sad proceeded to Queensland, explored the headwaters of the Nogoa and Belyando rivers and secured a large tract of pastoral country. Subsequently he explored the Ein- astelgh and Lynd rivers, traversing the Burdekin waters from the sea coast to the Valley of Lagoons, west of Oardwell, and, having selected an" extensive area of country , between Bowen and Carpentaria Downs, established well-known stations including: 1 Inkerman, Strathbogie, Kirkney, Dalrymple, Leichhardt Downs, and Carpentaria Downs. J In 1863 he entered into partnership with Sir John Robertson, Sir Alexander Stuart, • and Capt. Towns (all since dead), and in the following year as managing partner of the firm, successfully led an expedition across North Queensland from Bowen to the Gulf; the expedition followed the Gregory northerly to within a few miles below its junction with the Nicholson, and took up ! a million acres, including the plains of Prim- rose. Stations were formed, and Mr. Mac- , donald was the first to send stock from the ! Eastern coast. His narrative of this expedl- | tion which traversed country much of which was hitherto unknown, was forwarded by ! Governor Sir George Bowen, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. After ten years pioneering in Central and Northern Queens- j land, and encountering adverse seasons he ' relinquished pastoral pursuits. Appointed In I 1872, Police Magistrate and Gold Commis- | sioner, he was stationed successively at ! Gilberton, Charters Towers, Springsure, Bowen, Townsville, and Warwick, remaining as long as eleven years in some of these important centres. Then he served as Police Magistrate at South Brisbane for many years until 1905, when he retired. Addr—e — George St., Brisbane.

MACDONALD, Louisa (Miss), M.A., Prin- cipal of the Women's College in the Univer- sity of Sydney since 1892 ; b. Arbroath, For- farshire, d. of the late John Macdonald, of | Windmill House, Arbroath and Ballmtnim, I Perthshire, M.A. London and Sydney, Fellow of University Coll. London, sometime Tutor at the College Hall, London. Author of ile- cently Discovered Inscriptions in Cyprus (1890), and Catalogue of Greek Vsses in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney Univ.

MoDOJTA&D, V«t«r, D.8.O., Hon. Capt. and Adjutant 5th A.L.H. Regt. N.S.W.; s. 1869. Decorated for service in 8. Africa.

MCAODOITAUD, Fvtt* P* of Tambo, Queensland, a pioneer squatter owning several stations and well-known in Central