Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/111

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I then dined and trifled in the parlour and library, and was freed from a scruple about Horace 1 . At last I went to Bed, having first composed a prayer.

19. Sunday. I went to Church, and attended the Service. I found at church a time to use my prayer, O Lord, have



Almighty God, my Creator and Preserver by whose mercy my life has been continued to the beginning of another year, grant me with encrease of days, encrease of Holiness, that as I live longer, I may be better prepared to appear before thee, when thou shalt call me from my present state.

Make me, O Lord, truly thankful for the mercy which Thou hast vouchsafed to shew me through my whole life ; make me thankful for the health which thou hast restored in the last year, and let the remains of my strength and life be employed to thy glory and my own salvation.

Take not, O Lord, Thy holy Spirit from me ; enable me to avoid or overcome all that may hinder my advancement in Godliness ; let me be no longer idle, no longer sinful ; but give me rectitude of thought and constancy of action, and bring me at last to everlasting happiness for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.


Sunday, y//<? 18, 1780.

In the morning of this day last year I perceived the remission of those convulsions in my breast which had distressed me for more than twenty years 3 . I returned thanks at Church for the mercy granted me, which has now continued a year.


Almighty God, our Creatour and Preserver, from whom proceedeth all good, enable me to receive with humble acknow-

1 For his scruples, see ante, p. 41, wrote to Mrs. Thrale, f a great im- and post, p. 113. provement was made in the enjoy-

a Horaprima ante meridiem. One ment of life.' Letters, ii. 181. See o'clock in the night. also #., p. 143, n. 3.

3 * By removing that disorder,' he


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