Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/118

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Prayers and Meditations.

tioned him in my prayers; and after his death have made particular supplication for his surviving family to this day, but having now recommended them to God in this particular address, which though written——[1]


Sept. 18, 1781.

This is my seventy third birth-day an awful day. I said a preparatory prayer last night, and waking early made use in the dark, as I sat up in bed of the prayer [beginning of this year[2]]. I rose breakfasted, and gave thanks at Church[3] for my Creation, Preservation, and REDEMPTION. As I came home I thought I had never begun any period of life so placidly. I read the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, and looked into Hammond's notes[4]. I have always [been] accustomed to let this day pass unnoticed, but it came this time into my mind that some little festivity was not improper. I had a dinner, and invited Allen and Levet[5].

What has passed in my thoughts on this anniversary is in stitched book K[6].

My purposes are the same as on the first day of this year, to which I add hope of

More frequent attendance on publick Worship.

Participation of the Sacrament at least three times a year[7].


Sept. 18, Vesp 10° 40′, circ.[8]

Almighty and most merciful Father, who hast added another year to my life, and yet permittest me to call upon thee,

  1. The rest of the sentence is missing.
  2. Ante, p. 42, n. 1.
  3. It was a week-day.
  4. Henry Hammond, D.D. Isaac Walton describes the discourse which Dr. Hammond and Dr. Sanderson had 'about those knotty points which are by the learned called the Quinquarticular Controversy.' Walton's Lives, ed. 1838, p. 372.
  5. For his unwillingness to have the day noticed, see ante, p. 67. In 1783 he again gave a dinner on his birthday. Letters, ii. 332. Allen was his neighbour and landlord. Life, iii. 141. For Levett, see post, p. 102.
  6. This book is not in the Editor's possession. Note by G. Strahan.
  7. Ante, p. 92, n. 2.
  8. Vesperi 10° 40′ circiter. About 10.40 at night.
