Page:Journal of American Folklore vol. 12.djvu/236

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To give here a complete Bibliography of the writings of Dr. Brinton, did space even permit, would be impossible at the present moment. A list of his publications, dealing more or less directly with Folk-Lore Mythology and allied topics, may, however, not be out of place here, although it must be remembered that in many of his other writings, which do not bear specifically folk-loristic titles, much more of interest in the same fields of science is to be found.

1. The Myths of Manibozho and Ioskeha. Histor. Mag., July, 1867.

2. The Myths of the New World. New York, 1868. 337 pp.

3. A Notice of Some Manuscripts in Central American Languages. Amer. Journ. of Science and Arts, March, 1869.

4. The Ancient Phonetic Alphabet of Yucatan. Amer. Hist. Mag., 1870.

5. The National Legend of the Chahta-Mukokee Tribes. Ibid.

6. The Religious Sentiment. New York, 1876. 284 pp.

7. The Names of the Gods in the Kiche Myths, Central America. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1881.

8. Notes on the Codex Troano, and Maya Chronology. Amer. Naturalist, September, 1881.

9. American Hero-Myths. Philadelphia, 1882. 261 pp.

10. Chronicles of the Mayas. Philadelphia, 1882. 279 pp.

11. The Graphic System and Ancient Records of the Mayas. Con-trib. to N. Amer. Ethnol., vol. v. 1882.

12. The Books of Chilan Balam, the Prophetic and Historic Records of the Mayas of Yucatan. Penn Monthly, March, 1882.

13. Aboriginal American Authors. Philadelphia, 1883. 63 pp.

14. The Comedy Ballet of Güegüence. Philadelphia, 1883. 146 pp.

15. Los Libros de Chilan Balam. An. d. Mus. Nac., tomo iii. 1883.

16. The Folk-Lore of Yucatan. Folk-Lore Journal (London), August, 1883.

17. The Journey of the Soul: a comparative study from Aztec, Aryan, and Egyptian Mythology. Proc. Numism. and Antiq. Soc. Philadelphia, 1883.

18. The Lenâpé and their Legends. Philadelphia, 1885. 262 pp.

19. The Annals of the Cakchiquels. Philadelphia, 1885. 234 pp.

20. The Chief God of the Algonkins in his Character as a Cheat and Liar. Amer. Antiq., May, 1885.

21. The Phonetic Element in the Graphic System of the Mayas. Ibid., November, 1886.

22. On the Ikonomatic Method of Phonetic Writing, with Special Reference to American Archæology. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1886.

23. Ancient Nahuatl Poetry. Philadelphia, 1887. 176 pp.