Page:Journal of American Folklore vol. 12.djvu/86

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7 8 Journal of A merican Folk-Lore :

Such an address might be considered to indicate an original sun-worship, probably from the practice of neighboring peoples; but the example is too isolated to be cited with confidence.

Like every collection of this sort, the songs of the Finns raise in the mind o\ the reader numerous questions as to origin, date, and the charac- ter of the religion to which they properly belong. The archaeologic his- tory of linns is discussed by the translator in his first volume with great industry and carefulness, an examination on which only an expert could make comments. When the vast stores of Finnish folk-lore, gathered by many hands in recent years, shall have been sifted and classified, it may be that additional light will be obtained in regard to the dark problems involved. Meantime the very meritorious work of Mr. Abercromby will be welcomed as a most valuable addition to knowledge concerning peoples to whom small attention has been paid in Great Britain and America.

W. W. Newell


i. The American Anthropologist. (Washington.) Vol. XL No. 12, Decem- ber. 1S9S. An Apache medicine dance. F. Russell. — On the origin of reli- gion. C. H. HENNING. — Bibliography of anthropologic literature. R. Fletcher.

2. The American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. (Chicago.) Vol. XXI. No. 1, January-February, 1899. Social and domestic life of the cliff- dwellers. S. D. Peet. — Makutu or Maori witchcraft. E. Best.

3. Americana Germanica. (New York.) Vol. II. No. 1, 1898. Popular poe- try of the Russian Jews (continued in No. 2). L. Wiener.

4. Southern Workman and Hampton School Record. Vol. XXVII. No. 12. December, 1898. The lost tree, an Indian legend as told by Jesse Hill. — Conjuration. D. W. Davis. — Vol. XXVIII. No. 1, January, 1899. Flotsam and jetsam from Aboriginal America. A. C.Fletcher. — The Young Dog's dance (continued in No. 2). G. B. Grinnell. — Folk-lore and ethnology. Why the crab has no head. Why there are moles. Why hens are afraid of owls. The snail's smartness. Old sayings. — No. 2, February. Echoes from a plantation party. D. W. Davis. — Folk-lore and ethnology. Sickness in slavery days.

5. Folk-Lore. (London.) Vol. IX. No. 4, December, 1898. The " High

" of Australia. A criticism of Mr. Andrew Lang's " Making of Religion." E. S. Hartland. — The Shrew Ash in Richmond Park. With three illustrations from photographs. M. C. Ffenxell. — Reviews : Petrie, Religion and Con- science in Ancient Egypt; Macgowan, History of China; Hauttecceur, Le folk- lore de Tile de Kythnos and Tile de Siphnos. Schell, Bergische sagen ; Kroll, Antikerabergl mbe; Pedersen,Zur Albanesischen volkskunde; Inwards, Weather- Drosihn, Deutsche kinderreime ; Wechssler, Die sage vom Heiliger Gral. — -nee. Holy Week observance in the Abruzzi. Lincoln minster and the Devil. May-day in Lincolnshire. Kitty-witches. The jus prima; noctis. Pins '1 metal in Wells. Ropes of sand; asses; and the Danaides. — Miscellanea. Nibelung treasure in English. — Some Highland folk-lore. The Black Lad of Ashton-under-Lyne. — Bibliography. — Indexes to Vol. IX.

Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

on.) New Series. Vol. I. Nos. 1, 2. August-November, 1898. Australian

k-lore stories. W. Dunloi-.— On the natives of the upper Welle district of the

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