Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/219

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By a. Eknst, Esq.

(^Continued from Vol. VIII. p. 376.)

11. CoccoLOBA PADiFOKMis, Melsm. ill De Gaud. Prodr. xiv. 160. n. 67. — Not common in the ravine of the river Catuche. The description given by Meissner is excellent ; the calyx is of a deep-red colour, the fruit is small (5 mm. long), the calyx remains membranaceous, and does not include wholly the somewhat trigonal, smooth, and brownish-black achtTDniuni.

12. Anemop.^gma glaucum, Mart.; De (!and. Prodr. ix. 188. n. 6. — A high climber, flowering in .June. It appears to be not uncommon in the ravine of the river Gatuche, and I have sent seeds to Kevv. As Martius's description, quoted in De CandoUe's ' Prodromus,' is rather short, I may add a more extensive one. — Frutex scandens, glaberrimus, laevis, rarais et petiolis communibus cortice griseo tectis, verrucose-striatis, petiolo communi subpoUicari, petiolulis brevioribus viridibus ; foliis bifoliatis oppositis cirrhos inter foliola gereutibus, foliolis late lanceo- latis obtusis penniuerviis nervulis utrinque elevatis reticulatis, punc- tulis crebris supra concavis, subter coiivexis notatis, 7-8 poll, long., 2-3 poll, hit., supra obscure viridibus, subter glaucescentibus ; racemis axiUaribus vel interdum terminalibus, petiolis longioribus, pedicellis polli- caribus nigro-punctatis, medio bibracteolatis, inferioribus bifloris oppositis, superioribus unifloris : calyx | poll, long., campanulatus, ore truucato, spepe lateraliter 2-3-fissus, nervorum apex denticulis minutissimis nigris nota- tus; corolla flava, speciosa, 2-3 poll, longa, supra calycem ampliata, tubo longissimo, lobulis 5, sestivatione quincunciali, obtusis, \~^ poll, long. ; stamina 4 cum rudimento quinti, basi pilis articulatis barbata, adscendentia, supra medium incurvata, didynamia ; antherse biloculares, loculis ut in genere ; stylus rectus, staininibus longior; stigma bilamella- tum, lamellis snbrevolutis ; ovarium disco carnosa insidens, biloculare, ovula in quocjue loculo biserialia ; fructuscapsula ovalis, pedicellata, apice bl)tusa, 6 poll, longa, 3 4 poll, lata, compressa, | poll, crassa, Ifevis, cortice griseo obtecta ; valvis nervum medianum secus partihilibus, sep- tum membranaceum ; semina biserialia, orbiculata, 2^ poll, lata, 2' ])oll. longa, ala radiatim striata, margine lacerata, ad hilum interrupta ; cotyle- dones carnosa?, rotundo-bilobiata?, f poll, latse, \ poll, longaj, basi et apice cordatfe, radicula brevissima.

13. EsENBECKiA CASTANOCARPA, GHseh. in Flora of the Brit. West Indian Islands, p. 135. — Ravine of the Catuche, pasnim. Grisebach's description is a good one, but the fruits are not exactly lubcrded. I would rather say covered by short and thick spinuUr.

14. Tefhrosia toxicaria, Pers. — Grisebach (hep. 182) is incor- rect in saying that the flowers are blue. Swartz is more correct (Fl. Ind. Occid. 1279). The standard is whitish-yellow, over the claw reddish, and so are also the wings. '

15. RoLLiNiA GLAUCESCENS, Miq. ; Walp. Ann. ii. 20. — Of this in- teresting plant one specimen was found in the ravine of the Catuche,

• where it betrayed its existence by the intense and sweet smell of its numerous flowers.

10. Jathoi'iia ukens, Willd.; De Cand. Prodr. xv. ii. p. 1100. —

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