Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/315

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recurved in the niidille, upper cells liexagoiial, very luiiiutelv papillose, lower oblong-, pellucid. Autheridia as in last ; seta short, calyptrn smooth, cajjsulc obloufi', lid rostrate. Crevices of slate rocks. Plymouth, Holmes. 11. P. Heimii, Hed. 13. P. bryoidts (Dicks.). 13. P. lanceoluta, Hed.

14. P. intermedia, Turn. — Gymno'it. iuterinediian. Turn. Muse. Hib. p. 7. t. 1. f. a-c. — Plants larger than those of P. trioicatida, and resem- bling P. lanceolata ; leaves with the margin revolute for the lower half, capsule subcylindric, sliglitly contracted below the mouth ; annulus com- pound, peristome rudimentary. Not uncommon in south of England, and very different from P. trimcatula. Mr. Mitten unites it to P. lanceo- lata.

15. P. latifolla, Schw., C. Miill.

Tr]choj:tomum. — 1, T. ccrn/uim , '[In&h. ; 2, T. cylludricuM, Bruch ; 3, T. ridjellum, Hoft". ; 4, T. liiriduni, Hsch. ; 5, T. tojjJtaceurn, Brid. ; 6, T. bracJiydoutium, Bruch, 1S29 {T. mutabile, Bruch, 1838); 7, T. crisp/d/tm, l^ruch.

8. T. flavo-virens, Bruch and Muell. (Tleg. Bot. Zeit. 1829). Dioi- cous, laxly tufted, dichotoiuous, the innovations originating at the fertile coma, soft yellow-green. Leaves laxly imbricated, erecto-pateut, twisting, straight when moist, coraal from an oblong base, longly linear-lanceolate, the margin strongly undulate, nerve thick, yellowish, smooth at back, prolonged into a short acute point. Cells at base very thin, elongated, above minute, hexagonal, very finely papillose, the margin above base bordered with very thin pellucid cells. Capsule on a long purple pedicel, erect, ovato-cylindric, pale, exannulate ; lid conic, obliquely rostrate; teeth straight deep purple, roughish — Hab. Shoreham Beach, Mitten ; Plymouth, Holmes ; Malahide, Dr. Moore ; all barren.

9. T. litlorale. Mitten (Seem. Journ. Bot. VI. (18C8) p. 99). In com- pact tufts, simple or divided by innovations. Leaves comose, yellowish green, fuscous when old, erecto-pateut, slightly recurved towards a|)ex, oblong ligulate, obtuse, channelled, nerve exeurrent in a short mucro ; cells at base hyaline, oblong and rectangular for as high as half width of leaf, but not ascending up the margin, above shorter, rounded and obscure. 8outh Coast : Plymouth (Holmes); Hastings (Mitten), Brighton (Da vies).


Sect. 1. Aloidella.

1. T. 4/eZ/«/ff, Schreber, 1771.— T. rigida, Hed. 1787. 2. T. ambUjua, B. and S. 3. T. alo'ides, Koch.

Sect. 2. CuneifoUa.

4. T. lamellata, Lindberg. — Pottia cavifolia, 8. barbnlo'iJes, Duricu. Potlia yraciliH, Boswell. P. cavifolia, var. gi'acilis, Bry. Brit. Barbula cavifolia, Sclip. Muse. Eur. Novi fasc. 3 and 4. B. concava, Schp. — Monoicous, in loose incoherent tufts. Stems short, simple ; lower leaves smaller; roundish-oval, pilifcrous, upper broadly oval and spathulate, pointed, pericha'tial narrowly spathulate and pilifcrous; all very concave, with the margin flat, pa])illose on the back, nerve vanishing with the apex, ixaring four decurrenl lamellaj ; cells at base elongated hexagonal, hvaline, above minutely (puidrate and chloro])hvllose. Seta3 longish;

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