Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/386

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^. tnnervis. Rare.

Stellaria media. Common ; var. Boreana seen near Mullion.

S. Holostea. Rare.

S. graminea. Frequent.

S. nliffinosa. Rare.

CeruHtium triviale. Common.

C. semidecandrum., (jlomeraLntn, and arvense. Not seen.

C. tiitrandnim. Frequent in sandy places all round the coast.

Linum usitatissimum. A stray near Falnioutli.

L. angnstifoUum. Everywhere frequent by roadsides and in pastures.

L. catliarticum. Frequent.

Radiola Millegrana. Goonhilly and Pradannack downs, springing up where the tnrf has been pared away.

Malva moschata. Roadsides at Newtown, Gunwallo, etc.

M. sylvestris. Common.

M. rotandifolta. Waste ground at Grade and Lower Pradannack.

Hypericum Androscemnm. Lanes of the Devonian tract at Durgau and Manaccan.

//. perforatum. Fretpient.

H. tetrapterum. Not unfreqnent.

H. midulatum. Swampy tliickets at Mawnan and Pengerrick.

H. hanifusmn. The commonest species of the genus in the district.

H. pitlchram. Frequent.

H. hirsulum. Nowhere seen.

Acer Pseudo-platarms. Hedgerows and planted Avoods.

JErodinm maritiiiinvi. Walls and banks, conuuon both near the sea and about the inland villages and farmhouses.

E. ciciitarium. Sandy banks, less frequent than the last.

E. moschatnm. In similar places to the last, and equally frequent. I feel no hesitation, after seeing this in scores of stations, in accepting it a genuine native of Devonshire and Cornwall.

Geranium pratense, pusillum, and lucidum. Nowhere seen.

G. molle. Common.

G. dissectum. Frequent.

G. colunibinum. Hedgebanks in the Devonian tract about Durgan and Mawnan.

G. Robertianum. Common.

G. sanguineum. Amongst rocks about both the streams at Kynance.

Oxalis Acetosella. Rare, and not seen at all in the Serpentine tract.

Euonymus europaus. Hedge west of Penryn.

Rhamrms. Neither species seen.

(Zb le continued.)


By Dr. H. C. C. Scheffer,

Botanical Gardens, Buitenzorg.

Dr. Seemann published in the seventh volume of the ' Journal of Botany ' (page 333) an article treating of vernacular names and their great consequence. Of how much importance they are I can observe

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