Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/417

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��Montane Plants, Dispersion of, over the

North of England, 260. Morehella crassipes, F. Stratton on,

214; W. G. Smith on, 214. More, A. G., Supplement to the ' Flora

Vectensis,' 72, 135, 167, 202 ; on

Acorus Calamus, 246 ; on Jersey Ce-

rastium, 371. Mormodes tibicen, 84. Morocco, Return of Expedition to, 255. Muscari grandifolium, 84.

Naylor, F., On Middlesex Plants, 371. Neilreieh, A., Death of, 288. Nepenthes, Dr. Hooker on Distribution

of, 49. Newfoundland, Additions to Flora of,

by H. Eceks, 16. New Species of Phanerogamous Plants

published in Great Britain in 1870,

54, 80, 116.

Obbea, 85 ; timonioides, 85. Odontoglossum hlandum, 85 ; hmba-

tum, 85; prasinum, 116; WalHsii,

116. Qllnanthe fluviatilis, 147 ; pimpinel-

loides in Pertlishire, 52. " Olives," On the so-called, of Southern

China, bj H. F. Hance, 38. Oucidium ealanthum, 117 ; eryptoco-

pis, 117 ; lepidum, 117 ; rusticum,

117; Semele, 117; vernixinum, 117. Opegrapha calcarea, 80. Ophioglossum vulgatum, var. ambi-

guum, 187. OrchiUa, 219. Ornithogalum acuminatum, 118 ; ano-

malum, 118. Oxford, Notes of Plants near, by W.

T. T. Dyer, 145.

Pandanus utilis. Histology of, 282 ;

Uses of, 334. Parnassia, Dehiscence of Anthers in,

350. Passiflorese, Dr. Masters on the, 24, 381. Peat-hogs, Glacial Origin of in the Jura,

338. Penfold, E. B., Cystopteris fragilis in

Oxfordshire, 305. Perianth, 54, 112, 173. Persicaria biforme, 335. Phillips, W., On Cuscuta Epithymum,

15 ; on Scleroderma Geaster, 17 ; on

Shropshire Plants, 213 ; on Fungi in

Shroi)shire, 273. Phocea Andersonii, 118. Piiraginites communis, J. R. Jackson

on Uses of, 149. Piiyliotaxis in Cones, 94; in Lepido-

dendrou, 166. Phytolacca icosandi-a, 395.

��Plymouth Plants, T. R. A. Brings on, 240.

Polygala austriaca in Kent, 212 ; cal- carea, 180.

Polygonum lapathifoliura, 36 ; laxum, 36, 37 ; maculatum, 36 ; mierosper- mum, 171; minus, 158; mite, 159, 171; nodosum, 9, 36, 37; W. i. T. Dyer and H. Triraen on, 33 ; pennsyl- vanicum, 77 ; Persicaria, 37.

Portulaea psammotropha, by H. F. Hance, 201.

Potamogeton pectinatus in the Serpen- tine, 236 ; prselongus, 148 ; zosteri- folius, 16.

Pottia, W. Mitten on, 2 ; R. Braith- waite on, 290 ; cavifolia, 3 ; Wilsoni, 3 ; Starkeana, 3 ; Heimii, 4 ; lanoeo- lata, 4 ; ctespitosa, 4 ; trum-ata, 4 ; littoralis, 4, 290 ; asperula, 4, 290 ; crinita, 5 ; viridifolia, 5, 290 ; pal- lida, 5 ; intermedia, 291.

Prata Island, Vegetation of, 202.

Prior's ' Popular Names of British Plants' (Review), 23.

Protandry and Protogyny, Further

Observations on, by A. W. Bennett.

329. Proteacea;, Styles and Stigmas of, 156. Prototaxites Logani, Structure of, 252. Prunus spitiosa, 15. Psamma arenaria, 334. Pseudomorphism, 253, 278. Psychotria cyanoeocea, 118. Pygeumoxycarpum,118; pha;o<tictum

118. Pyrola rotundifolia in Ireland, 300. Pyriis communis, var. Brigt^sii 182

214 ; scandica, 28, 182. ' ' "'

Rmunculus bulbosus, varietv of 201 • Lcnoi-maiidi in Worcestershire, 214 • Lobbii (Plate CXIV.), 66; i).^eudo- fluitans, 74, 98, 103, 145 : tom.)i>livl- lus, 75. '■ •'

Reeks, II., Additions to Flora of New- foundland, 16. Reeves, W. W., On Critlmium mariti-

nuun, 173. Reviews : —

Azores, Natural History of the, by

F. Du Cane Godman,*85. Manual of Botany, by R. Bentlev, 88. Dendrologie, von" Karl Kocii, 153. Fungi, Handbook of British, by M C.Cooke, 3)2. '

Hardy Flowers, Descriptions of up- wardsof 1300, by W. Robinson, 348. Hardy P.Mvnnials, 15ulbs, etc., Cata- logue of, by \V. Robinson, 318. Lichen-Flora of Great Britai i, Ire- land, and the Channel Islands, by W. A. Leightou, 341.

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