Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/101

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journal of the

And shall also endorse on their tickets by "the State," or "by Circuits."

The vote being taken thereon the same was rejected by the House.

Mr. Wiggins then moved to lay said substitute, the original bill, &c. on the table for the balance of the session; considerable discussion being had thereon, Mr. Ramsay moved that the House adjourn.

Said motion was suspended and ieave of absence was granted to Messrs. Stephens, Harrison, Gilmore, Lawton, Griggs and Digby for a few days.

The House then adjourned until 3 o'clock, P.M.

The House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Nisbet, from the Committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvements, to whom was referred the bill to be entitled an act to authorize and empower his Excellency the Governor for him and in the name and behalf of the State of Georgia to subscribe lor 5,000 shares of 100 dollars each in the capital stock of the Southwestern Railroad, again reported said bill to the House; which was read the second time and committed lor a third reading; and on motion of Mr. Perkins, made the special order lor Wednesday next.

The following bills were read the second time, and committed for a third reading:

A bill for the relief of poor children in the county of Gwinnett.

A bill to authorize Mark Wates and Company to establish a terry across the Chattahoochee on their own land, in the counties of Gwinnett and Forsyth.

A bill to repeal so much of the act entitled an act to grantcertain privileges and immunities to the Hancock Guards, a Volunteer Company in the county of Hancock, and to the Harris County Cavalry, a Volunteer Company in the county of Harris, as relates to the Harris County Cavalry.

A bill to allow the county of Heard to retain Ibr the use of the county, the Stale Taxes collected in said county for the years 1850 and 1851.

A bill to authorize Jasper N. Pitlman, an infirm person of Heard county, to vend and dispose of articles of merchandise without a license.

A bill for the relief of John C. Whitworlh, Administrator upon the estate of Elizabeth Hill, deceased; which on motion of Mr. Brandon was releired to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Brandon, Jones, Wilson and Neal.

A bill to incorporate the Volunteer Corps of Dragoons in the