Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/114

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house of representatives.

A bill to authorize aliens to receive, purchase, hold and convey, mortgage or devise real estate.

A bill lor the relief of Robert Stephens, Washington Stephens, Jacob Sammons, Barney West and Benjamin Highfield, securities lor the appearance of Benjamin Stephens before the Superior Court of the county ot Dade.

A bill to amend the several acts in relation to issuing grants on head rights in this State, so far as to extend the time lor granting the same until the twenty-fifth of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-one.

A bill to legalize and make valid the appointment of commissioners of the Camden county Academy.

A bill to incorporate the Waynesville Baptist Church.

A bill to incorporate the village of Springfield, in the county of Effingham, and to appoint commissioners for the same.

A bill to amend the act passed at the last session of the General Assembly entitled an act for the relief of John H. Mann, executor ot John G. Stallings, deceased.

The Senate has also passed the bill of the House of Representatives to appropriate money lor the purposes therein designated.

Mr. Culberson, from the Committee on Enrolment, reported as duly enrolled,

An act to appropriate money for the purpose therein designated; which act was presented to and signed by the Speaker.

A message was subsequently received from his Excellency the Gevernor by Mr. Patten, his Secretary, informing the House that his Excellency had approved and signed an act which originated in this branch ot the General Assembly to appropriate money for the purpose therein designated.

Ordered, that the Committee on Enrolment take said act to the Secretary of State, and see the great seal affixed thereto.

The House again took up the unfinished business on the subject of giving the election of Judges to the people, the same being ihe motion of Mr. Wiggins to lay the bill and resolutions on the table lor the balance of the session.

Considerable discussion being had, Mr. Carlton moved that the House adjourn pending said motion.

Mr. Walker, of Richmond, offered the following resolution, which was read and agreed to:

Resolved, That the order fbr the afternoon sessions be suspended for this day, and that the discussion upon the special order be resumed at 3 o'clock and the vote be taken upon the same at 5 o'clock, or eailier as the case may be.

On motion, Messrs. Shaw, Hodges of Houston, and Dubigtion were granted leave ot absence for a few days.