Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/128

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House of Representatives.

reference to the mode of perfecting service on non-resident defendants in cases of seira facias. The mode proposed in the above recited bill, your committee believe to be the best, cheapest and simplest that can be adopted of the same.—and your Committee now having performed the duty in this behalf assigned them, beg to be discharged from any further consideration of said bill.

Mr. Worrell, from the same committee, to whom was referred a bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend and explain the first section of an act passed for the relief of co-securities, &c., say they have considered said bill, and report the same back to the House without amendment. And having discharged the duty assigned them in this behalf, pray to be discharged from the further consideiation of the said bill, &c.

Mr. Worrell, from ihe same committee, to whom was referred a bill entitled an act to authorize the settlement of criminal prosecutions in certain cases, and regulate more parlicularly the duties of the Attorney's and Solicitors Generals, and fix their liabilities, report, that they have examined said bill and recommend the passage of the same with an amendment.

Mr. Worrell, from the same committee, to whom was referred a bill to curtail and simplify civil pleadings, reported the bill back to the House, and suggested the propriety of amending the same.

Mr. Worrell, from the same committee, to whom was referred a bill to be entitled an act to extend the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace so as to authorize them to try actions (illegible text) in damages, &c., report, that they have had said bill under consideration, and reported unfavorably to the passage of the same.

Mr. Worrell, from the same committee, to who.n was re- erred a bill entitled an act to regulate the admission of deeds n evidence in certain cases, &c. say they have duly eon- idered said bill, anil beg leave to report the same back to the House without amendment ; and having now performed the lutv assigned them in this behalf, your committee ask leave o be discharged from the further consideiation of said bills.

• i

Upon motion the report ol the committee was received.

The House took up the uniinidied business, which was the reconsidered substitute of Mr. (J rtrell in li u of (tie sub- stitute otfered by Mi Sirickl and to the bid leaving ilu elec- tion of Judges to the people.

Mr. MeDougaid then moved the previous question.

Upon seconding the call the yeas and nays were required to be recorded, and are yeas J4, nays 67-

Thoso who voted in the alternative, are Messrs.

Akin, Anderson of Wilkes, Barrett,