Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/75

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journal of the

confectionary, eating shop or other places owned, occupied or controlled by any free white person in this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned; which was read the first time.

Mr. Jones of Paulding introduced a bill to be entitled an act to repeal an act entitled an- act to alter and amend the several acts incorporating the city of Macon, and for other purposes.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to reduce the price of public printing; which were severally read the first time.

Also, a bill to regulate the pleadings and evidence in cases where the plea of usury may be filed, and for other purposes; which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Neely of Pike introduced a bill to change the line between the counties of Crawford and Macon; which was read the first time.

Mr. Westmoreland of Pike introduced a bill to be entitled an act to authorize the Commissioners of the Poor School Fund of the several counties of this State to pay arrearages due teachers of poor children; which was read the first time.

Mr. Lawton of Scriven laid upon the table the memorial of James Young, with an accompanying bill to be entitled an act to divorce James Young and Margaret Young, his wife.

Also, a bill to grant certain privileges to the Scriven Troup; which were severally read the first time.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to authorize and require the Governor of the State of Georgia to call a convention and to appropriate money for the same; which was read the first time, and on motion of Mr. Wiggins 150 copies were ordered to be printed for the use of this House.

Mr. Tucker introduced a bill with an accompany memorial to be entitled an act to entitle Ellen M. Baker to inherit the property of James R. Ware of Stewart county; which was read the first time.

Mr. Worrell of Talbot, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to expedite trials of causes in Equity, to alter the time of filing demurrers and answers to bills, and for other purposes therein mentioned; which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to add certain lots of land and parts of lots of land in the counties of Crawford and Macon, to the county of Talbot.

Also, a bill to consolidate the offices of Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts of the county of Talbot.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to repeal an act entitled an act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Talbotton; which were severally read the first time.