Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/95

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journal of the

December, 1845, to incorporate the Augusta Canal Company

A bill to amend the several acts in relation to the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company.

A bill to extend and define the corporate limits of the town of Madison, Morgan county, and to prescribe the manner of levying taxes upon such property as may be embraced in said extension.

A bill to allow the widow and children of deceased persons a support out of the estate of the deceased for the time of twelve months after the demise, in cases where no administration has been granted on the estate of the deceased, and to ascertain the amount necessary for the support, and set apart the same, and to exempt from levy and sale for the debts of the deceased, or by an administration, and to vest the title thereof in the family of the deceased.

A bill for the relief of William P. Beall and Davis B. Hadley, and other persons therein named.

The Senate has agreed to the report of the Committee on Finance, and the resolutions therewith submitted, authorizing the Treasurer to receive and receipt George L. Deming, Secretary and Treasurer of Oconee Navigation Company, for the balance of an appropriation in his hands.

The Senate has also agreed to a joint resolution authorizing the Governor to have arranged and bound the annual messages of the Governors of this State, together with several other papers, &c.

Upon motion of Mr. Jones, Mr. Shackelford was added to the Committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvements.

On motion of Mr. Nelson, Mr. Lane was added to the same Committee. Mr. Calder, from a select committee to whom was referred the memorial and bill for the relief of David Dobbs of the county of Cobb, reported it worthy of favorable consideration.

Mr. Calder also introduced a bill for the benefit of Joseph E. Morris, to legitimatize him and declare his name, and constitute him an heir at law of Drury Morris

Mr. Wolf, of Eaily, introduced a bill to authorize Thomas B. Andrews, an infirm man, to peddle and vend goods in the second Congressional District, without paying any license; which was read the first time.

Also, a petition from Thomas B. Andrews, praying a special appropriation to pay him for teaching poor children; which was referred to the Committee on Petitions without being read.

Mr. Robinson, of Fayette, introduced a bill to authorize His Excellency the Governor to draw his warrant upon the Treasury on any funds not otherwise appropriated, for the