Page:Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Volume 1 (2nd edition).djvu/210

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On the Course and Termination of the Niger.

on its borders. Every. rock and every low island are then completely covered, and may be passed over in canoes without difficulty, or even apprehension of danger. Many years ago a large boat arrived at Yáoori, on a trading voyage from Timbuctoo; but when they had disposed of their merchandise, the boatmen returned to their country by land, because they asserted that the exertion of working their vessel back so long a way against the stream was too great for them, and therefore they left it behind at Yáoori. The journey from hence to the city of Soccatoo, when no stoppage is made on the road, may easily be accomplished in five days, and this is the regular time the natives take to go there. Coulfo[1] is two days' journey from Yáoori.

'Yáoori is a large, flourishing kingdom. It is bounded on the east by Haussa, on the west by Burgoo, on the north by Cubbie, and on the south by the kingdom of Nouffie. The crown is hereditary; the government an absolute despotism. The former sultan was deposed by his subjects for his violent measures and general bad conduct; and the present ruler, who has succeeded him, has reigned for the long period of thirty-nine years. The sultan has a strong military force, which, it is said, has successfully repelled the continued attacks of the ever-restless Falatahs: it is now employed in a remote province in quelling an insurrection, occasioned partly by the inability of the natives to pay their accustomed tribute, and partly from the harsh measures adopted by the sultan to compel them to do so. The city of Yáoori is of great extent, and very populous. It is surrounded by a high and strong wall of clay, and may be between twenty and thirty miles in circuit. It has eight large entrance gates or doors, which are well fortified after the manner of the country. The inhabitants manufacture a very coarse and inferior sort of gunpowder, which, however, is the best, and we believe the only thing of the kind made in this part of the country: they also make very neat saddles, cloth, &c. &c. They grow indigo, tobacco, onions, wheat, and other varieties of corn and rice of a superior quality, and have horses, bullocks, sheep, and goats; but, notwithstanding their industry, and the advantages which they enjoy, they are very poorly clad, have little money, and are perpetually complaining of the badness of the times. A market is held in the city daily, under commodious sheds; yet it is but indifferently attended, and the articles which are exposed for sale have been already mentioned.'

'July 29.—At this time Yáoori is little better than one complete swamp; and, if possible, it will be worse after the malca shall have set in, which is daily looked for.'

'August 2.—On leaving the city, it was literally covered with water, and the deep hollows formed by the rains were very nu-

  1. A town passed through by Clapperton after crossing the Quorra.