Page:Jubilee Book of Cricket (Second edition, 1897).djvu/260

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imperative. To begin with, he will have to change and find his various implements, and probably will like to have a few minutes' practice. Then there are several points to which he must attend before play begins. Now, it usually happens that innumerable things turn up unexpectedly to claim his attention. He is required to consult on a point, or interview a man, or send telegrams, or help to choose a player instead of one who has failed at the last moment, and so on. Consequently, unless he has plenty of time, he is almost sure to be hurried and worried, and either be unable or forget to do something which is of importance. He ought to have time to change in comfort, have his few minutes' practice, attend fortuitous matters, think over things in general, and see to the indispensable preliminaries.

Of these preliminary duties of the home captain, the first is to cast an eye round with a view to being quite sure that all necessary arrangements have been made. At first this may be rather troublesome, but after a little experience a captain soon learns to know exactly where to expect deficiencies. He ought to take particular notice that everything has been done for the comfort of the members of the visiting side, whether amateur or professional, and for the other members of his own side. Such forethought oils the wheels, and helps much towards matters running smoothly. A very little attention and trouble can entirely obviate the many small annoyances which are liable to mar the pleasure of a cricket-match. It requires only a mere glance to see that a sufficient number of chairs are in the changing-room, and that there are sponges and towels in the lavatory; and less than half a glance to see whether the room is tidy and habitable. Later on, it is advisable for him to see the visiting captain and some members of his side, welcome them, and show them any small courtesies that may come to mind. It is a most charming thing for a visiting side to feel that it has been expected, and its well-being taken into consideration. Then it is well for him to see that all the members of his own side arc on the ground ready to start play at the proper time, and to give any of them who may desire it a chance of speaking to him. Nothing makes more for the harmony and good feeling between his side and the captain, which are the best guarantee of corporate efficiency, than that he should show a personal interest in them all, amateur and professional alike. It is a fundamental error in handling and leading men to regard and treat them as mere automatons. Men are no automatons, and should not be treated as such. To treat a man as an automaton is the best way to make him one, and