Page:Kate Kearny, with The answer.pdf/6

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An' weel like I the dew to brush
Frae her lips sae sweet an' wee.
Auld farran, &c.

But sawna ye the lassie then,
Thro' the wood or owre the lea?
Tho' ye're the wale o' cantiest men,
To see her quickly maun I flee.

Fare ye weel then funnie bodie,
When ye ca(illegible text) the Netherlee,
Spier for me auld farran bodie,
Then the lassie dear ye'll see:


Tune-Auld Lang Syne.

Wien silent Time, wi' lightly foot,
Had trod on thirty years,
My native land I sought again,
Wi' mony hopes and fears.
Wha kens, thought I, if friends I left
Will aye continue mine;
Or gin I e'er again shall meet
The joys I left langsyne.

As I drew near my ancient pile,
My heart beat a' the way;
Ilk place I pass'd seem'd yet to speak

Of some dear former day;