Page:Kidnapped (1895 Cassell).djvu/223

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paper out against ye mysel’; I’ll have to offer a reward for ye; ay, will I! It’s a sore thing to do between such near friends; but if I get the dirdum[1] of this dreadful accident, I’ll have to fend for myself, man. Do ye see that?”

He spoke with a pleading earnestness, taking Alan by the breast of the coat.

“Ay,” said Alan, “I see that.”

“And ye’ll have to be clear of the country, Alan—ay, and clear of Scotland—you and your friend from the Lowlands, too. For I’ll have to paper your friend from the Lowlands. Ye see that, Alan—say that ye see that!”

I thought Alan flushed a bit. “This is unco hard on me that brought him here, James,” said he, throwing his head back. “It’s like making me a traitor!”

“Now, Alan, man!” cried James. “Look things in the face! He’ll be papered anyway; Mungo Campbell’ll be sure to paper him; what matters if I paper him too? And then, Alan, I am a man that has a family.” And then, after a little pause on both sides; “And, Alan, it’ll be a jury of Campbells,” said he.

“There’s one thing,” said Alan, musingly, “that naebody kens his name.”

“Nor yet they shallnae, Alan! There’s my hand on that,” cried James, for all the world as if he had really known my name and was foregoing some

  1. Blame.