Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1822.pdf/38

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Literary Gazette, 27th July, 1822, Page 473


Sketches from Drawings by Mr. Dagley.

Sketch the First.

TIME arresting the Career of PLEASURE.

His iron hand grasped a Bacchante's arm,
And at his touch the rose and vine leaves died;
He pointed to the circle where the Hours
Held on their visible course.

Stay thee on thy mad career,
Other sounds than Mirth's are near;
Fling not those white arms in air;
Cast those roses from thy hair;
Stop awhile those glancing feet;
Still thy golden cymbals' beat;
Ring not thus thy joyous laugh;
Cease that purple cup to quaff;
Hear my voice of warning, hear,—
Stay thee on thy mad career!

Youth's sweet bloom is round thee now,
Roses laugh upon thy brow;
Radiant are thy starry eyes;
Spring is in the crimson dyes