Page:Last May a braw wooer.pdf/5

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'Take aff thae bride sheets frae thy bed,
Which thou hast faulded down for me;
Unrobe thee of thy earthly stole—
I'll meet with thee in heaven hie.'
Three times the grey cock flapt his wing,
To mark the morning lift her'ee,
And thrice the passing spirit said,
'Sweet Mary, weep nae mair for me?'


While I hang on your bosom, distracted to lose you,
High swells my sad heart, and fast my tears flow,
Yet think not of coldness they fall to accuse you,
Did I ever upbraid you? Oh, no my love, no!
I own it would please me at home could you tarry,
Nor e'er feel a wish from Maria to go;
But if it gives pleasure to you my dear Harry,
Shall I blame your departure? Oh, no my love no.

Now do not, dear Hal, while abroad you are straying,