Page:Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes.djvu/209

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Jamaica, three scholarships for, 32

Jameson, Dr., trustee, 49; portrait of, 75, 123; beloved by C. J. Rhodes, 177; his name last word uttered by C. J. Rhodes, 190

Jameson Raid, the, and C. J. Rhodes, 106–107, 130, 178

Johnston, Sir H. H., portrait of, 129

Kimberley. “Bath” described, 16; 600 miles by waggon to, 157; siege of, 173–5

Landlords, country, C. J. Rhodes on, 46

Liberal Party, C. J. Rhodes’s relations to, 117–138; thinks of standing as Liberal candidate in 1886, 117; subscribes to Home Rule, 120–130; to Liberal Election Fund, 130-9; “My ideas—Liberalism plus Empire,” 131; ruining itself by Little Englandism, 131; future of England must be Liberal, 133

Life “three days at the seaside,” 88; work, the essence of a proper, 45; speculations by C. J. Rhodes on a future, 189

Lindsay, Rev. Dr., suggests voting for scholarships, 109

“Loafer,” a, hated by C. J. Rhodes, 45

Low, Sidney, his summary of C. J. Rhodes’s conversations, 73

Loxley, Rev. A. P., on C. J. Rhodes and religious education, 94

Loyola, Ignatius, and C. J. Rhodes, 63, 66, 83

Mackenzie, Rev. John, opposed to policy of C. J. Rhodes, 80

“Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon,” Rhodes upon, 81

Malima river feeds Westacre dam, 7

“Malindidzimo,” name of C J. Rhodes’s burial place, 4

Manicaland, C. J. Rhodes’s estate in, 9

Marcus Aurelius constantly read by C. J. Rhodes, 184–185

Markets, open, essential to England, 66, 68, 73, 134, 165–168

Matabele War, C. J. Rhodes’s defence of, 150

Matoppos, picture of, 2; description of, 4; burial place of C. J. Rhodes and Umzilikazi, 4; fund for maintaining, 5; visited by C. J. Rhodes and Mr. Wyndham, 5; excavating grave on, 186

McNeill, Swift, arranges C. J. Rhodes’s subscription to Irish National Fund, 118, 120

Michell, Lewis L., joint heir, 49, 108; portrait of, 67

Military service insisted on by C. J. Rhodes, 47

Mills, Sir Charles, brings C. J. Rhodes and W. T. Stead together, 80–81

Milner, Lord, joint heir, 49, 108; portrait of, 57; supported by C. J. Rhodes, 108–105

Mitford, Bertram, description of Matoppos, 4

Moral qualities, to be regarded in selecting scholars, 3644

Morley, John: speech about Egypt horrifies C J. Rhodes, 133; importance of, minimised by F. Schnadhorst, 136

“Mosterts” property bequeathed with Groote Schuur, 13

Muizenberg, near Cape Town, where C. J. Rhodes died, 179

Müller, Iwan, reports to C. J. Rhodes on new University education, 23; on country gentlemen, 46

Napoleon and his dirty linen, 74; C. J. Rhodes on his dream of Universal Monarchy, 74

Natal, three scholarships for, 32

Native policy of C. J. Rhodes in Africa: “We must be lords over them,” 149

Newfoundland, three scholarships for, 32

New South Wales, three scholarships for, 32

New Zealand, three scholarships for, 32

Nyassaland, cost of administration borne by Chartered Company for four years, 151

Ontario, three scholarships for, 32

Oriel College, Oxford, C. J. Rhodes, M.A., 1881, 20; history of, 20; Sir W. Raleigh at, 20; other Oriel men, 21, 30; income of, 20; bequests to, 20–21; and St. Mary Hall, 21; views of a senior member of, 22; story of Keble when don of, 22; view of, 31

Oxford, scholarships to be tenable at, 23, 108; why, 23-24; Medical School, 27

Pall Mall Gazette, C. J. Rhodes and, 79; exponent of his ideas, 80–81

Parnell, C. S., correspondence between, and C. J. Rhodes, 120–130; subscription to, 125; regrets and withdraws Navan speech, 129

“Patent,” C. J. Rhodes’s political, 68; financial, 161

Peace, C. J. Rhodes’s idea of how it might be attained, 59, 61, 66; Conference at Hague, 108–109

Persia, part of Anglo-Saxon sphere, 74

Pickering, N. E., heir to C. J. Rhodes in second will, 62

Portugal to come under Anglo-Saxon control, 74

Portuguese, C. J. Rhodes speaks well of, 163