Page:Latin for Beginners.djvu/357

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  of the imperfect, 354
  of the perfect, 36, 362
  of the pluperfect, 36L c, 363
subjunctive constructions
  characteristic or description, 389, 390
  indirect questions, 43o-43 z
  purpose, 349, 366 , 372
  result, 385, 386
  time, cause, or concession with cum, 395, 396
subjunctive ideas, 346
subjunctive tenses 342, 343
subordinate clauses,
sui, declension of, 28, 480
sum, conjugation of, 494
suus, use of, 98. c,
syllables, 8; division of, 9; quantity of, 13
syntax, rules of, 501

temporal clauses with cum, 395, 396
tense, defined, 12o
tense signs
  imperfect, I33
  future, 137, 156
  pluperfect active, 187.2
  future perfect active, 187.3
tenses, primary and secondary , 356; sequence of, 357, 358
third conjugation 496, 492
third declension of nouns
  classes, 231, 463
  consonant stems, 232-238 , 464
  gender, z47
  i-stems, 241-244 , 465
  irregular nouns, 246
time, abl. of, 275
time, acc. of, 336
towns, rules for names of, 266, z67,268
transitive verb, 20. a
trēs, declension of, 479
tū declension of, 280, 48o
tuus, compared with vester, 98. b

u-declension of nouns, 259, 26o, 466
ultima 9.3

  agreement of, 28
  conjugation of, , 458-491
  deponent, 338 , 339, 493
  irregular, 494-500
  personal endings of, I22, 164
  principal parts of, 183
vester, compared with tuus, 98. b
vīs, declension of, 468
  English-Latin pp. 332-343
  Latin-English, pp. 299-331
  special, pp. 283-298
vocative case, 56. a
  of nouns in -us o the second declension, 73. b
  of proper nouns in -ius and of fīlius, 88
voice, defined, I63
volō, conjugation of, 497
vōs, declension of, 280, 480
vowels, sounds of, 5, 6; quantity of, 12