Page:Lesbia Newman - Dalton - 1889.djvu/304

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afternoon that had yet occurred in it. Two of Lesbia’s college friends were staying at Dulham for the occasion; and many guests for the day, a few from London and the rest from the neighbourhood, had assembled, some in the vicarage garden, where a pavilion for the evening dance had been erected, with the porcupine flag floating above it, and others in the rooms of the house. Lady Hilda Hawknorbuzzard had had to drag her mother and sister to the party, but once there, they enjoyed it. Presently Hilda asked,—

‘And how’s Fidgfumblasquidiot the brilliant? I didn’t see her as we came in.’

‘Oh, she’s very well,’ replied Lesbia, ‘and in an ecstasy ever since post time this morning, because some thoughtful person has sent her an old Christmas card, addressed to ‘Miss Grewel;’ the poetry runs thusly:—

A happy new Christmas to you,
With your nose pink and thine eyes blue!
And may each merry New Year
With roses those white cheeks smear!’

Fidge thinks it very grand. But you haven't heard her last exploit. Finest thing. We drove her with us to Frogmore the other day for an outing; and while she was walking down the High Street with me, as we passed Bummingby’s, it occurred to her to ask if my bicycle wasn’t getting worn out. ‘Yes, Fidge,’ I said; ‘thank you for reminding me. I must grow a new one. Here’s threepence; just go to the market gardener’s over there, and ask him for an ounce of bicycle seed.’ Off starts Fidge, dutifully and without misgiving. In two or three minutes she comes back and returns me the coppers. ‘Well, Fidge?’ ‘Please ’m, the man’s stupid; he stared at me and laughed, said he hadn’t got any bicycle seed, but he could supply me with some bicycle eggs from a mare’s nest, if that would do as well. So I said I must come and ask you first.’