Page:Library Administration, 1898.djvu/213

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sandwich, or by drops of ink. The use of the latter should be absolutely prohibited in the case of illuminated books and the like, which rank as works of art.

Tracing can scarcely be permitted in the case of "select" books, and only in the case of less valuable books upon special application. The use of compasses for measuring diagrams or other purposes must be carefully prevented.

It is the rule at many libraries, e.g. at the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris, never to issue a book before binding, if it is in parts. We would propose to modify this draconian regulation by allowing readers access to unbound parts, but under the same conditions as the réserve books. Being thus conscious of a privilege, they will perhaps leave livraisons in proper order, and each in its own cover.

The supply of periodicals is a question of daily increasing importance, especially as regards those devoted to science, which to the earnest student are almost more important than formal books. The modern librarian makes special efforts to supply these needs. Thus at the Biblioteca Nazionale of Turin three new rooms for periodicals have recently been opened. One of them, reserved for professors of the University, members of the Academy of Sciences, and advanced students, contains on a centre table the current issues of a large number of learned reviews, and round the walls the whole of the last series of each, or, if there be no such division, the issues for the last ten years.