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for fear they have seen you.” Having concerted matters with the captain, and armed ourselves, we went to the sailors, and the captain reserving his own piece, the two men shot one of the villains dead, and wounded another. He who was wounded cried out for help, and I coming up, gave orders for sparing their lives, on eondition of their being bound hand and feet while they staid in the island.

A little after another boat came. We formed an ambuscade, but one of the principal ringleaders of the mutiny, with two of the crew coming towards us, the captain was so eager that he let fly, killed two on the spot, and the third ran for it. I immediately advanced with my whole army, upon which Will Watkins, one of the ringleaders, called out, “For God’s sake, captain, spare my life.” The captain told him he must lay down his arms at discretion, and trust to the governor’s mercy;