Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/52

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meeting, Samuel Wahbuneeb, an Indian, experienced a change of heart.[1]

Monday 6th. — Started for Long Point, and rode about thirty-five miles to Brother Freeman's, where we stayed all night.

Tuesday 7th. — I parted from brother Torry, he going to his Mission down the Grand River, and I laid my course for home. Stopped a little time at Mount Pleasant to see the camp ground where we intend to hold a meeting shortly. A little after sunset I arrived at our Mission, and found our brethren engaged at their prayer meeting. When I came within hearing, I heard them praising the Lord God of Hosts, which indeed caused great joy to spring up in my soul. I felt thankful to find my Christian brethren still engaged in the service of the Great Spirit, and for bringing me back in peace and safety to our dear Mission house.

Wednesday 8th. — Went to father's, where I spent the day.

Thursday 9th. — Rode down to Hamilton, to deliver our School Reports to the Commissioners. My mind very wandering.

Sabbath 12th. — This was a day of rejoicing to us all. The Spirit of the Lord was present at our morning prayer meeting. At 8 a. m., I attended the Sunday School. There were forty-four scholars present — all behaved very well. At 11 a. m., our public worship began; Father Thomas Davis, the Mohawk Chief, opened the meeting by singing and prayer in Mohawk. After he got through, I gave a word of exhortation — first, in the Chippeway, and then in English. We then proceeded to hold our class meeting. I called upon my brother John to assist in leading the class, as there were a great many to speak to. During this meeting the overwhelming power of Divine grace descended upon the people, so that the slain of

  1. This excellent brother has since died happy in the Lord, January 14th, 1847.